pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in pumpktoberfest '10 (13)


pumpktoberfest #19 - take me to the river.

film: mega piranha
beer: river horse hipp-o-lantern imperial pumpkin ale

when it comes to making a horror film, sometimes it helps to serve it up with a big ol helping of cheese. when it comes to movie cheese, the asylum, a movie studio that's known for films such as transmorphers, titanic II & mega shark vs giant octopus, takes the proverbial cake. one of their latest gems is their 2010 film, mega piranha, which shows what happens when piranhas mutate & grow to ridiculous proportions. it stars paul logan as special forces member jason fitch, former teen pop star tiffany as genetics researcher sarah monroe & barry williams (greg brady) as secretary of state bob grady. it premiered back in april on syfy & due to its high quantity of awesomeness, it got the channel's highest ratings of the year, as 2.2 million people tuned in. oh snap, ghost hunters! you got beat by a bunch of fish!

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pumpktoberfest #18 - zombified!


film: zombieland
beer: buffalo bill's brewery pumpkin ale

dude. why are people so friggin obsessed with zombies? i mean, these days peeps organize "zombie crawls" in cities all across the country, events where people dress up like zombies & roam the city "looking for brains." there was a bunch of buzz last year when pride and prejudice and zombies, a novel which puts the classic jane austen tale in a world filled with zombies, was released. over the past decade, there have been a ton of zombie films made, stuff like 28 days later and shaun of the dead. i don't get it really. i guess zombies are kinda cool, but if i'm picking something to obsess over i'm going with ninjas or pirates.

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pumpktoberfest #17 - oh hell no!

film: drag me to hell
beer: weyerbacher imperial pumpkin ale

happy friday! happy october! HAPPY PUMPKTOBERFEST EVERYONE! after the overwhelming success of last year's pumpktoberfest revelry, where we showcased my top fifteen horror films alongside fifteen pumpkin beers, this year we're back with a whole new round of horror films, none of which i've seen before & a (mostly) brand new round of pumpkin beers! can you feel the PUMPKTOBERFEST EXCITEMENT? i sure as hell can. without further ado, let's get to it!

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