pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in flea at laff (13)


flea at laff #13: madécasse/dosa royal.

snack: madécasse pink pepper & citrus chocolate bar
drink: dosa royal mango lassai

oh hey! what do ya know? the brooklyn flea is back! although i severely neglected it last summer, this summer i've sworn to give it a lot more love. it's like...in the summer of 2010 i gave it its own column & shizz. then in 2011, while i made it to the flea a bunch, i only documented three of my trips. thing was, there came a point where i'd eaten my way through most of the food vendors & there wasn't all that much in terms of new stuff. luckily, this year there are a number of new booths in the mix. bon chovie...after being spurned from your anchovy-based delights twice at the smorgasburg last year, i will not be spurned again this summer. take notice.

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flea at laff #12: dough/thirstea.

snack: passionfruit with cocoa nibs donut
drink: kumquat lemon bubble tea

if you've been following along at home, you'll remember that back round the beginning of may i visited the brooklyn flea & had myself a tasty snack-drink combo from brooklyn bangers. if you haven't read said post yet, please click through & enhance my web traffic, you lazy cheapskate. anywho, i started that particular post by mentioning how i was a regular champion when it comes to sleeping in. a few weeks back, i went for the gold & after a friday evening where i'd stupidly stayed up til 3am watching episodes of workaholics, the following day i slept in until just before 3pm. it was epic but unfortunately, it also meant that if i wanted to head out to the flea, i had to get my ass in gear & head up to ft greene quicklike before the flea closed at 5pm.

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flea at laff #11: brooklyn bangers.

snack: beef brisket hot dog
drink: lemonade

when it comes to sleeping in, i rule. i'm pretty much a world champion at it, especially when my brain whips together yarns that'd make luis bunuel giddy. why wake up when i'm getting a free, private screening of a never-before-seen bunuel film? this past saturday, i was in the middle of a prime sleeping session, making my way through a series of surprisingly hot & steamy dreams. before i knew it it was 1pm, the sun had been shining upon brooklyn for hours already & i hadn't made it further than kicking the covers off...yeah, adulthood. to remedy this, i got the hell out of bed, quickly made myself presentable & headed out the door for the flea. i figured it was the least i could do to get my day started.

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flea at laff #10: the good batch.

snack: birthday cake cookie
drink: hot tea

hey, so the saturday brooklyn flea has finally returned to fort greene. yep. it's true. in fact, they kicked off the 2011 season way back on april 3rd. the weather sucked on that first day, so i wasn't there to experience the opening in all its glory, but on the following saturday i did make it out to the flea for the first time this year. since my last visit to the flea back in late september, the sunday edition has moved to williamsburg & just yesterday the folks behind the flea announced that on may 21st they're launching a saturday food market called "smorgasburg" at the willyburg location. it'll feature over 100 vendors, making it the largest outdoor food market in the city. it'll also be the one with the f'n cleverest name. ch-ch-changes.

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flea at laff #9: choncho's tacos.

snack: grilled fish tacos
drink: mexican coca-cola

for me, it was one hell of a long, lazy summer, one with diminished writing output, copious beer drinking & scant traveling, one that was wholly unproductive but one that was at least occasionally punctuated by mostly-satisfying saturday trips to the brooklyn flea. since the summer officially came to an end last wednesday, on the previous saturday i decided to make one final summer trip to the flea. the weather report for the day: pretty rad. it was jeans weather but sunny & mid-70s. none of that disgusting sweaty summer weather. i'm pretty sure that stuff's done for the twenty-ten. thank jebus.

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