pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in random ramblings (30)


a tiny pie on every table.

let it be known: this pumpktoberfest was the most difficult one in recent memory. it wasn't just me. it's been difficult for all of us, a time akin to the life that tiny tim lived in cartoons, one where the sunday holiday dinner featured a tiny ass turkey on a large silver platter. we don't need to get into it right now, but it's all OBVIOUSLY all obama's fault. SOCIALISM! in trying times like these, it's important to appreciate the little that we have & live in the moment, enjoying every bit of what little we get for what it is. THESE ARE INSPIRATIONAL WORDS TO LIVE BY, PEOPLE.

take table talk pies. for almost a hundred years now, the worcester, ma-based company has been dispensing 4" & 8" pies to the good citizens of the u.s. & in doing so, they've ensured that, for under a dollar (for the 4" one), people can appreciate a few minutes with a relatively-edible mass-produced pie. for the pumpktoberfest season, they roll out their pumpkin pie & while i don't LOVE pumpkin pie, i couldn't resist the lure of a tiny, bodega-purchased one.

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spice up yer nuts.

when it comes to my nuts, i like to keep things spicy. give me a bunch of nuts coated up with copious powder flavor & i'm all good. i'm sure you fondly remember the inaugural year of this blog, when i declared blue diamond wasabi & soy sauce almonds to be my number one snack of the year. maybe your memory ain't that good, so you can only recall as far back as last year, when planters' five alarm chili peanuts came in at #4 on my year-end list. even with that nut love, until now the glorious pumpktoberfest season has been relatively nut-free.

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the enten-menn.

if one day some rapscallion has a sawed off shotgun to my head & the only way to avoid a brain-splattering death is for me to form a 50's-style doo-wop group & tour the country, it's all good because i already have our name picked out. we will be totally throwback & totally beloved & lawsuits be damned, we will be called "the enten-menn." as we roll through branson, MO & rome, GA & other family-friendly villages, our unique brand of doo-wop will spread soul & fond memories & shameful arousal across this great nation.

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WTF is the creme?

you like guest posts, right? well today we've got the THIRD EVER guest post from the eatinist bitch, who contributed a guest post on snacks & drinks in puerto rico to eat!drink!snack! last summer, drank pumpkin thangs for pumpktoberfest & made my 2011 top ten links & drinks list. i really need to buy her a beer or make her some brownies or something one of these days. enjoy!

even though i'm considered to be one with a great palate, i love trashy food. i try not to eat too much fast food any more (anything larger than a six-piece nugget and a small fry is a recipe for tummy disaster), but when i get a craving, i refuse to deny it.

this morning, i woke up with a raging craving for a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with a hashbrown lovingly tucked in the middle. it was well before the cutoff time for breakfast at mcdonald's, so i knew i could make it happen.

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let it snow? f that.

in my wise 446 months of existence, i've lived a solid eight of them outside of the northeast region. as a result, i've seen my fair share of snow...& i sort of hate it. yes, i'm from nh but i don't know how to ski or snowboard or iceskate. i've never seen a yeti. my family at no point owned a snowmobile, but i did ride on one once. while i definitely loved playing in the snow as a kid (see: blizzard of '78), i'm over it now. i guess i should just shut my face & move somewhere without snow but, the way i figure it, with the whole global warming thing it's probably better just to wait it out. eventually, the earth'll be too hot for it to snow on the east coast anyhow.

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