pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in pumpktoberfest '11 (18)


pumpktoberfest #36 - into the sea.

film: open water
beer: heavy seas the great'er pumpkin ale / heavy seas great pumpkin ale

for our final horror film of pumpktoberfest 2011, we've got what might possibly be the most boring horror film ever made--2003's open water. it's a film that's loosely based on a true story about two american tourists who went out as part of a scuba diving tour group & ended up getting left behind in the middle of the ocean. why's it so damn boring? well, while the concept of being stuck in the middle of the ocean with no hope for rescue is definitely horrifying, watching it happen to two people is far from it. for half of the movie, you're stuck looking at a dude & a girl & nothing but water all around them. sure there's an occasional brush with an ocean creature or two but c'mon now...yawn.

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is it the final day of pumpktoberfest already? well gosh darnit, i guess all "good" things must come to an end & stuff. that doesn't mean that we can't go out with a bang though, right? today, to mark the final day of the season, we've got not one but TWO PUMPKTASTIC POSTS!!! ISN'T THAT TOTALLY AWESOME?!!! to be honest, i was hoping to post this some time this past weekend but then i got lazy & slacked on writing it. my weekend sloth is your monday reward! anyhow, the other day, we shared a recipe for pumpkin oatmeal cookies with you & today, for our last snack of the pumpktoberfest season, we've got another tasty vegan pumpkin cookie--alternative baking company's phenomenal pumpkin spice cookie.

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pumpktoberfest #35 - harvesting crap.

film: children of the corn 3: urban harvest
beer: sam adams harvest pumpkin ale

when it comes to horror films, i have somewhat of a proclivity towards those that are part of sequel-spewing franchises. if you're able to take a concept & run with it for multiple films, especially if you're able to drag it out to the point of hilarity, i'm all for it. with that said, somehow i haven't seen a single children of the corn film even though there have been nine of them, including a TV remake of the original that came out this august. for today's pumpktoberfest pairing, i opted for the third film in the series--children of the corn 3: urban harvest--a direct-to-video gem that focuses on two farm boys who, after an incident on the farm, get adopted by a family in chicago & have to go to the city for the first time ever.

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five questions: robicelli's.

over the past year or so, i've gone from cupcake hater to cupcake appreciator & one of the main reasons for that change in attitude is the cupcakes from brooklyn's robicelli's. run by the husband & wife duo of matt & allison robicelli, they've been distributing their cupcakes to various shops around the city for a while now & this past summer opened up a sweet-looking physical location in a shipping container at dekalb market. their cupcakes are creative & unique & the lineup is constantly changing. a cupcake with a piece of chicken on top? you've got it with their chicken n waffles cupcake. they've got not one but TWO sweet ptoato cupcakes on the schedule for november. nuff said. it doesn't hurt that they seem to be good people too. good people get my snack dollars.

earlier this month, on their oft-hilarious & less-oft-but-still-oft-poignant tumblr, allison declared that "matt will not stop until he’s created ONE BILLION MILLION PUMPKIN TYPE FLAVORS THIS FALL. or something of that nature." i'm not sure if that was a statement or a challenge but it intrigued me so a few days back i stopped by their booth at madison square eats (which is now closed for the season) to sample a few of their pumpkin cupcakes. bonus: allison was kind enough to answer a few pumpktastic questions for eat!drink!snack!

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recipe! pumpkin oatmeal cookies.

all pumpktoberfest long, we've been featuring guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers. for our final guest post of the pumpktoberfest season, this week we've got the first ever recipe on eat!drink!snack! courtesy of laura from eating the beats, a blog that pairs cooking & music together in an oh-so pleasant way. want some super simple !!!pea salad? how's about a lil' wine-soaked chocolate cake & pears inspired by the national? anyway...she combines two of my loves in a tasty manner, so you should check her stuff out. bonus points if you make one of her recipes & feed it to me.

when it comes to halloween, i can't say i'm really into the costumes, but i am definitely into celebrating all things pumpkin. i've made pumpkin whoopie pies, pumpkin-apple cupcakes, and even cupcakes with mini pumpkin pies in them, but for something a little more simple and less labor-intensive, you can't go wrong with pumpkin oatmeal cookies. these are simple, soft, cake-like cookies that are sweet but not too sweet. and, if you buy a large can of pumpkin puree (libby's, of course), you'll have plenty leftover for things like pumpkin granola and pumpkin oatmeal.

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