pumpktoberfest #36 - into the sea.

film: open water
beer: heavy seas the great'er pumpkin ale / heavy seas great pumpkin ale
for our final horror film of pumpktoberfest 2011, we've got what might possibly be the most boring horror film ever made--2003's open water. it's a film that's loosely based on a true story about two american tourists who went out as part of a scuba diving tour group & ended up getting left behind in the middle of the ocean. why's it so damn boring? well, while the concept of being stuck in the middle of the ocean with no hope for rescue is definitely horrifying, watching it happen to two people is far from it. for half of the movie, you're stuck looking at a dude & a girl & nothing but water all around them. sure there's an occasional brush with an ocean creature or two but c'mon now...yawn.