pumpktoberfest #32 - ALF.

film: the thing
beer: harpoon UFO pumpkin ale
let's face it. aliens are friggin scary. if some life form that i've never seen before shows up on my doorstep, i'm freaking the fuck out & reaching for the closest vase to crack over its head. for today's pumpktoberfest film, we've got a 1982 john carpenter flick featuring an utterly horrific alien--the thing. it's sort of a remake of the 1952 howard hawks film the thing from another world, which was based on the 1938 john w. campbell novella who goes there? unfortunately for the producers, it didn't do extremely well at the box office, as it was released at the same time as another film featuring a decidedly more lovable alien--E.T. apparently people prefer cross-dressing, PG-rated aliens over the murderous, R-rated types.