pumpktoberfest #43 -
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pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in pumpktoberfest '11 (18)


pumpktoberfest #32 - ALF.

film: the thing
beer: harpoon UFO pumpkin ale

let's face it. aliens are friggin scary. if some life form that i've never seen before shows up on my doorstep, i'm freaking the fuck out & reaching for the closest vase to crack over its head. for today's pumpktoberfest film, we've got a 1982 john carpenter flick featuring an utterly horrific alien--the thing. it's sort of a remake of the 1952 howard hawks film the thing from another world, which was based on the 1938 john w. campbell novella who goes there? unfortunately for the producers, it didn't do extremely well at the box office, as it was released at the same time as another film featuring a decidedly more lovable alien--E.T. apparently people prefer cross-dressing, PG-rated aliens over the murderous, R-rated types.

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tastykake pumpkin baked pie & how the movie scream got me in trouble.

all pumpktoberfest long, we're featuring guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers. this week's guest post comes from junk food guy, a snack food junkie like myself who's amazing at weaving together snacking & storytelling. his post about being in NYC on 9/11 is one of the better things i've read all year long.

hello there, readers of eat!drink!snack! it's your friendly neighborhood junk food guy, here to contribute to this year's pumpktoberfest. when eat!drink!snack! asked me guest blog, i was ecstatic! my first task - finding a pumpkin flavored junk food. i researched online, talked to my friends, and discovered a slew of pumpkin-flavored junk foods, from pumpkin pie pop-tarts to pumpkin spice donuts from krispy kreme. "piece of cake," i thought, "this post will write itself."

one problem: i couldn't find any in real life! grocery stores, walmarts, targets - NO one had these pumpkin treats i was looking for! even the pumpkin spice donuts - the guy at krispy kreme stared at me like i had three heads. WTF. plenty of halloween-inspired spooky snacks (lame) but no pumpkin being sold. i was feeling a little worried, i have to be honest. i had this whole list of pumpkin-themed snacks, and every time i went out i'd stroll down every aisle to see if any of these items were in stock...nope.

then, one day...victory (thanks to the girl with the junk food radar, adi).

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five questions: southern tier.

during each of the past two pumpktoberfests, southern tier's pumking, an imperial ale brewed with pumpkins, has made its way into the rotation (2009 & 2010), becoming what i'd consider my favorite out of all the pumpkin beers i've tried. if you haven't tried it yet, i seriously don't know what you're waiting for. since i'm all in love with it & shizz, this year i reached out to the folks at the lakewood, NY brewery to ask them a few questions about the pumking & horror films. nathan arnone, southern tier's "communications liaison," was kind enough to respond.

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pumpktoberfest #31 - shock the pumpky.

film: shocker
beer: shock top pumpkin wheat

i swear that pumpktoberfest 2011 isn't going to be comprised solely of wes craven films but if there's a horror film that pairs better with today's pumpkin beer than his 1989 gem shocker, i haven't seen it. does anybody out there make a serial killer-themed pumpkin beer? as far as i know, the answer is no, so back-to-back wes craven films it is. personally, this was one of the first films i saw by craven & somewhere in my parents' house there's a poster from the film, so it's always held a special place in my heart. though it's not the best horror film ever made, it's filled with just the right combo of horror, hilarity and late 80's nostalgia & music for my tastes. "no more mr nice guy" performed by megadeth? yes yes double yes!

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smashing pumpkins.

all pumpktoberfest long, we'll be featuring guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers. to kick things off, we've got a lovely post from erica, the brains behind fucked in park slope and design blahg.

you know what i love about halloween? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

OK, well maybe the candy is kind of ok, but honestly: that's it.

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