pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in soda (52)


flea at laff #9: choncho's tacos.

snack: grilled fish tacos
drink: mexican coca-cola

for me, it was one hell of a long, lazy summer, one with diminished writing output, copious beer drinking & scant traveling, one that was wholly unproductive but one that was at least occasionally punctuated by mostly-satisfying saturday trips to the brooklyn flea. since the summer officially came to an end last wednesday, on the previous saturday i decided to make one final summer trip to the flea. the weather report for the day: pretty rad. it was jeans weather but sunny & mid-70s. none of that disgusting sweaty summer weather. i'm pretty sure that stuff's done for the twenty-ten. thank jebus.

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flea at laff #8: red hook lobster pound.

snack: "connecticut style" lobster roll
drink: maine root blueberry soda

...& we're back. so some three saturdays ago, it was friggin beautiful outside. the sun was out in full force, but it wasn't uncomfortably hot, the air was dry without the typical NYC summer stab-me-in-the-face mugginess & there was a pleasant breeze about. it was one of the first days this summer where i stepped outside of my apartment & thought to myself "hell yeah, summer. this is where it's at." it really made me wonder why summer chose to treat us all so cruelly over the last two months. it was a perfect day to venture out & spend part of my saturday afternoon cramming food into my face at the brooklyn flea.

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#167 - mlb.

so, i've been watching what some people might describe as "an unhealthy amount of baseball" recently. i really don't know how it got this bad this quick, but for the past week or so, i've been getting home from work, flipping on the tv & settling in for hours upon hours of our national pastime. i've watched a few full games here & there, but most of the time i've been tuning in to mlb tonight live on the mlb network, where they bounce from one game to the next, only showing key/exciting moments. it's perfect for people like me with short attention spans. during my viewing, i've learned a few things about baseball in 2010:

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#163 - middling tradition.

wow. we're already more than halfway through 2010. how time flies when you're having a so-so time! last year around this time, i took a look at my fave five albums of the year & five snack/drink pairings that i'd planned on writing about but never got around to. this year, i've decided to do the same thing, officially creating a tradition of sorts here at eat!drink!snack!

thus far, it's been a relatively solid year for indie rock (which is about 80% of what i deal in) & there's still a lot to come, with albums from favorites such as no age, superchunk, black mountain, blonde redhead, les savy fav, the walkmen, !!!, interpol, the thermals, menomena & the arcade fire scheduled to come out over the next few months. it's safe to say that i'm EXTREMELY stoked about all that new music. that's right. i said "stoked."

without further ado, let's get to it...my indietastic mid-year top five!

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flea at laff #6: porchetta/brooklyn soda works.

snack: porchetta sandwich
drink: grapefruit, jalapeno & honey soda

it's official. the summer's here. i know so not because of that solstice thing that happened back on monday but because of something i noticed at the brooklyn flea this past saturday, that definitive, annual sign that the summer has arrived...there are hottie-type ladies out EVERYWHERE!...like ALL OVER DA PLACE! i don't know where they've been hiding all winter & at this point, i don't really care. it's pretty much my favoritest time of the year, the time when sweaters & long sleeves & stupid stupid UGGS give way to skin & sundresses & tank tops. ladies...thank you for looking so undeniably fetching this past weekend. i appreciate it. when i met my bro there in the early afternoon, there you were in all your glory...the beautiful, sundress-clad women of the BK. on the outside, i tried not to stare too much, but on the inside, i was all like "DAY-YAM! SWEET TATS YO!"

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