pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in tea (7)


snack away! #4 - all the dick in d.c...

throughout high school and college, i worked at a supermarket in nh as a stock clerk so i certainly know my way around the aisles. i knew where everything in grocery was; i probably still do for my high school store. stuffing? aisle 2: veg. kleenex? aisle 14: bulk paper. beef bullion? aisle 3: spag. hell, i even knew the tricky stuff. capers? nice try. aisle 8: glass. i was also familiar with the really weird things that people rarely bought and i'd only stock a case of once a year... potted meat product, nutella, mrs. dash? who buys this crap? (ed note: hell yeah, nutella!)

a few weeks back it was under somewhat peckish circumstances that i found myself behind the cart at my local fashionable-sweatpants-yuppie-supermarket in suburban washington d.c. i had picked up my normal assorted veggies and meats and breads and was banking a hard right into aisle 5: ethnic/imported foods...might as well grab some kind of funky sauce to douse the chicken with one evening. while i examined a jar of curry to make sure it would make me sorry i bought it the next day, a can i hadn't stumbled on before caught my eye.

spotted dick indeed. if you're going to stump me on a grocery item, it better be ethnic and it better be something i'd never eat. bonus points if there is an intercontinental sexual slang innuendo. after some examination and research, it is apparently some sort of british canned pudding priced at a decidedly ambitious $5.99 per can. american. now mind you, i wouldn't characterize myself as a fan of dick by american definition, so it never crossed my mind that i might buy this version, but two weeks and one guest blog invitation later, here i am in the kitchen with a can opener ready to crack open this little tin of love from the venerable heinz corporation. somehow i don't think this qualifies as one of the 57 original heinz varieties.

snack away! #4 - all the dick in d.c...
guest blogger: todd martin, washington, d.c.

snack: heinz spotted dick sponge pudding
drink: twinings english breakfast tea

so it's about 4:00 and i'm thinking a british snack would hit the spot, so i'm breaking out the heinz spotted dick sponge pudding. the directions instruct me to open the top of the can, run a knife around the perimeter, turn upside down, and open the other side to push the product out. i would soon find that the last two steps are not necessary as a brick of dick immediately smashed onto my counter as soon as i turned the can over. not encouraging.

it smells decent enough - more like a canned cake-like confection with raisins as opposed to a pudding. bill cosby would seemingly not approve. i did not realize there was cooking involved and am ill-prepared for this event. according to the directions, i now have the option to steam or microwave this thing. in the interest of time, i go with the latter and also toss in a mug of water with the hope that the spotted dick aroma doesn't turn it into something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. i'm not exactly sure what made me go all cheeky with the beverage as well, but what the heck.

hey, you know what? not bad! it's cakey and warm and wholesome. really sweet. i would guess the spices include molasses and cinnamon, maybe even pumpkin. i never thought i would like it at first glance but it just goes to show you never judge a dick by its cans. the twinings english breakfast tea complimented it well, perhaps a bit over-steeped but good nonetheless. i have some dick saved for the girlfriend on thursday and you might even find this on my grocery list in the near future.

todd martin is a struggling architectural designer in washington d.c. you should totally have him redo your kitchen.


#78 - moving & shaking.


monday, march 30, 2009
after a short love affair with the blogger.com blogging platform, eat!drink!snack! is moving on to greener pastures. this is something i had been planning for june 9th, on the one-year anniversary of my first entry, but this past friday, i finally had the url & the new blogging platform & i just couldn't wait. it's like if somebody gave you a birthday present & you were sooooo excited about it, but instead said "you know what? thank you for the gift, but i'm going to wait until two months from now to open it"...no way was i putting the gift up on my nightstand only to have to stare at it for the next 70 days.

70 days is a long time from now.

what does this mean exactly? well, it means that as of right now:

new web address!

new rss feed!

new logo (of sorts)!
i was chatting with my design-awesome brother via an instant messenger program on friday night, when i first started thinking about the new site & asked him if he wanted to make me a header for the site. he started just playing around with reverse type & whatnot and sent me a few "messing around" versions...i ended up liking one enough that i put it up on the site. thanks, bro.

new entries from this weekend!
there are two new entries waiting for you over at the new site--one focusing on the decemberists & one focusing on a weekend trip to chinatown with the aforementioned bro.

new content!
in addition to my periodic meditations/rants & the newly-added "nosh nook," which brings you the best snack news item from the previous day, this wednesday, i'm adding a new weekly column for the month of april...snack away! snack away! comes to you every wednesday from a different city across the globe, bringing you a snack & drink-themed rant from someone who is not me, but still awesome.

please redirect all applicable indicies...& thanks for following.

#78 - moving & shaking.
snack: wel-pac edamame
drink: chamomile ginkgo biloba tea

i woke up relatively early on sunday morning to put the finishing touches on the new site & sit down to write this goodbye to blogger. my chinatown purchases from the day before included a bag of wel-pac edamame & a box of chamomile ginkgo biloba tea, so i started my day with a bit of each.

edamame are so good & protein-filled. i can eat approximately 3,000 of them in one sitting. i am slightly infatuated with their pseudo fur-covered pods. if you are at a restaurant with me & we order some, you best be on your toes. if you don't like them, you're a communist. at the same time, these wel-pac edamame come from china, so if you do like them, there's good chance you're a communist anyhow. either way, this morning, i snacked on a bowl of edamame & loved every minute of it.

i also had a few cups of chamomile ginkgo biloba tea. ginkgo biloba is often used pharmaceutically, but for the life of me, i can't remember what for.

fyi...you could have read this entry on the new site. new site!

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