#22 - somebody's watching me/you.

over the first three months of eat! drink! snack!, i've kept an eye on the traffic to the blog, mainly to see if any strangers made their way to my blog & if possible, whether they stuck around or not. it also gives me a rough idea of who's reading out of the people i do know, which will come in really handy come xmas card time.
in monitoring the blog activity, i've come across one distinct fact...people really want to know about caliente corn nuts. over the past three months, i've had countless folks who have come to my blog because of a google search for the term. turns out my blog entry about them, corn nuts & the american dream, has made me the #2 entry on google for that search term. in my book, this makes me the official caliente corn nuts spokesgod. in numbers, 9 of the last 40 visits to the blog are from that alone. yesterday i had three separate caliente corn nut visitors, one who was from anchorage, ak & one who was from delaware & more specifically, a "STATE OF DELAWARE" ip address. i assume these are the two vice presidential candidates...and now i've likely made it worse by blogging about it a second time.
somebody from procter and gamble checked out an entry on their TOTALLY EXTREME product, screamin' pickle pringles.
i'm international. folks from israel, maldives, algeria, canada & new zealand have stumbled across the snack-related diatribes of a manboy in brooklyn.
crazy internet.
#22 - somebody's watching me/you.
snack: immaculate baking co. sweet georgia brownie triple chocolate chunk cookies
drink: cream-o-land dairy 1% milk
tonight's snack comes direct from hendersonville, nc's immaculate baking co. last night, on my way home from a focus group about public radio, i was at the local grocery store & must have felt "i've listened to way too much despairing public radio" bad about something...probably world peace or hunger or the "bridge to nowhere" lie and as a result, was no match for a box of cookies emblazoned with the words "cookies with a cause," "soul-cially responsible" and "chocolatey."
from what i can tell, these cookies' cause is creativity & more specifically the folk arts. as far as causes go, it's no rwanda, but can't everybody be paying attention to rwanda, which works out for folks (& their arts). the cookies themselves are organic, yummy & full of chips both white & black, an obvious nod to racial harmony.
milk. what more can i say about you? you do a body good. you can be found on the upper lips of celebrities. you might be really, really bad for me. you might not need to be pasteurized after all. you are only in my fridge because of coffee. you make these cookies better. you came from a third-generation company in new jersey. thanks for helping out with making other stuff better sometimes. 'preciate it.
Reader Comments (2)
I'm totally going to start blogging daily about caliente corn nuts to increase the traffic to Jonesalicious.
"it's no rwanda, but can't everybody be paying attention to rwanda"
Truer words, my man, truer words.
(Shall we sit next to each other on the bus ride we'll surely be taking STRAIGHT TO HELL?)