#51 - ice ice baby.

oh, winter! you are much crueller than anything april has ever thrown at me. it is an indisputable fact that i hate the cold weather & side effects of it that accompany you. runny noses? hate em. damp feet? hate em. watery eyeballs? hate em. having to wear lots of clothes? i'm no nudist & like pants as much as the next guy but...hate it. at times, i'm definitely one of those people who get some form of winter depression.
i grew up in new hampshire & no, i don't ski or snowboard or ice skate or snowmobile or toboggan. don't even own a pair of snowshoes, if you can believe that. my winter sport is often hibernating & being warm & putting on an extra layer of fat for the winter & watching lots of movies/tv shows. watched myself towelhead a few days back & really liked it. the lead, summer bishil, is a pretty hot 20-year old in real life, but in the movie, she does a 90210 & plays a 13-year old, which is decidedly unhot. thus far, there is nothing that alan ball, who directed the film, has done that is bad...writer of american beauty, creator of six feet under & true blood & director of towelhead. the last decade, dude's batting 1.000...a regular john paciorek.
...so it was saturday night & i was watching the arizona cardinals-atlanta falcons game & during commercial, i was trying to come up with a title for this blog entry. i was thinking of going with "baby it's cold outside" or "winter wonderbland" or something abstract like "32° F." as my mind eventually drifted to "ice ice baby," the game returned from commercial & did so with a short segment about atlanta falcons quarterback matt ryan, whose nickname is apparently "matty ice." the song that was playing in the background during the segment..."ice ice baby." therefore, my badass psychic coincidence has dubbed this post...
#51 - ice ice baby.
snack: pringles loaded baked potato crisps
drink: great divide brewing co. hibernation ale
i've tried pretty much every pringle there is, but i can't remember trying the baked potato flavor until this weekend. saturday afternoon, when i was out & about gathering essential foods & beers & doing adult errands all at once so that i wouldn't have to go outside in the cold again, i stopped by the rite aid to procure q-tips & figured that i'd give the snack aisle a browse. there were some rite aid bargains going on & a number of shelves were picked clean. all pringle flavors were on sale for 99¢, but it appeared that they were possibly on sale because somebody had crushed a box of them, perhaps under a pachyderm or submarine or such. the one remaining can of pringles loaded baked potato crisps appeared to be uncrushed, however, so i made them mine.
they're pretty run of the mill as far as pringles go...definitely no screamin' dill pickle. the website claims they're supposed to taste like "cool sour cream," "crispy bacon" and "gooey cheese." i guess they're sort of like a loaded baked potato. that baked potato has so much money! that baked potato has ulterior motives! that baked potato is wasted! be careful with that baked potato! it's loaded!
in honor of the impending future months, i'm having my baked potato flavor with a bottle of great divide brewing co. hibernation ale. it's an english style old ale...tasty enough. i guess it's supposed to keep you warm during the winter months. apparently it's won a bunch of awards & accolades. a suggested pairing (from the label): aged, hard dutch cow's milk cheese. i guess pringles are sort of like that.
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