nosh nook #157 - tuesday, october 20, 2009

a new coke? well, it's smaller (link)
10.19.09 - the washington post - by jane black
aren't tiny things TOTALLY THE BEST? babies? usually cuter than regular humans. pygmy pot bellied pigs? best pet ever. the mini me guy? one of the great actors of our time. frosted mini wheats? shit. do they even make non-mini wheats any more? it's just a fact of life. tinier = awesomer. trust me, nobody would have paid any attention to gary coleman if he was 6'2". it's indisputable. coca-cola's no dummy, so later this year, they're bringing their version of tiny to the world of soda.
the washington post reports that in december, coca-cola will be releasing 7.5 ounce cans of coke in nyc & d.c. before releasing them nationwide in march & rolling out 7.5 ounce versions of their other products. since we americans are a bunchy of fatties, it's coca-cola's way of helping us "manage (our) calorie intake while still enjoying the beverages (we) love," with only 90 calories per can. that's less than half the calories of a regular can of coke. btw, coca-cola, you can use that line in your ad campaigns if you like, free of charge from eat!drink!snack!
in addition to the tiny lil cans, coca-cola's doing a number of things to encourage healthy lifestyles among their consumers. just a few days ago, they "joined other food manufacturers to launch the healthy weight commitment foundation, which aims to educate parents, teachers and children about 'energy balance.'" i can see the literature now..."it's ok if your child drinks fifty cans of coke a day because they'll be so full of energy that they'll run those calories right off. sponsored by coca-cola." the day after setting up the foundation, coca-cola "announced a partnership with the american academy of family physicians 'to develop consumer education content on beverages and sweeteners.'" i remain skeptical about how genuine they are about people's health. maybe if they took HFCS out of their american beverages, i'd could start taking them seriously.
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