nosh nook #163 - wednesday, october 28, 2009

modesto snack shack: big dream starts tiny (link)
10.27.09 - the modesto bee - by marijke rowland
man, the nyc department of education has really been going crazy recently in their fight against obesity in the schools. it's all part of them trying to get in line with a wellness policy they created back in june. a few weeks back, they signed a new contract to overhaul the school system's vending machines. now they've decided to crack down on bake sales as well. they're making it so peeps can't make any money. sorry, chess club. why don't you try selling bags of m&ms on the subway like those nice teens trying to get uniforms for their football team?
in california, education & snacking are a whole different animal. as the modesto bee reports, cedric & alivia king, a home schooled brother & sister from modesto, recently opened the "snack shack," a "lemonade stand on steroids," on their front lawn. kids love steroids! since they're home schooled & according to cedric, have "free time now," they had their dad build them the snack shack, which opened three weeks back, jack. from the shack, they're selling items like gum, candy, chips, soda & energy drinks that they've bought in bulk at costco.
their house is located right across the street from the high school, where you probably can't buy the stuff they sell at the snack shack, so they get some foot traffic (about twenty people a day). their mom says they're getting a permit & making it all legal. once that happens, cedric's all about pouring the money back into the business, but alivia wants to be able to buy a pet snake. hellz yeah, little girl. let me guess...your brother's the nerdy one? she also likes working at the snack shack better than doing schoolwork for some reason, but unless she continues working for herself, i bet she'll one day rethink that stance.
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