nosh nook #177 - tuesday, november 17, 2009

does boston have room for more ice cream? (link)
11.16.09 - wbur - by monica brady-myerov
it's official. today marks thirty-five death-free years of life for me & as such, i'm making my way up the east coast via motorcoach for a celebratory evening of food & drinks & dirty projectors with friends in boston. it should be a radical way to pay tribute to my quickly approaching middle age. the best part? it's supposed to be below thirty degrees tonight. the temperature's going to be less than my age. how chilling!
it's obviously perfect ice cream weather, but how about fresh, custom made ice cream from a machine? can i get that? unless i want to trespass on the northeastern campus, i can't get it today, but as wbur reports, next month moobella, a taunton-based company who has developed an "ice cream shop on wheels," will be turning on 100 of their machines "in cafeterias, museums and food courts around new england." they already have one of their machines on the northeastern campus & according to one student "it's a really cool machine."
sure it 's a cool machine (what machine isn't cool?) that creates ice cream for you while you wait, but what sort of effect will it have on the overall ice cream experience? wbur spoke with lynda utterback, from the national ice cream retailers association & she's cool with it, since people aren't going to decide to "take the family to a machine" instead of hitting up mom & pop ice cream joints. plus, as she notes, "there's always room for more ice cream." you said it, ms utterback.
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