nosh nook #170 - friday, november 6, 2009

liz hurley's guilt-free beef jerky (link)
11.6.09 - the guardian - by marina hyde
liz hurley...liz hurley. which one is she again? oh yeah. i remember now. british actress. she was hugh grant's girlfriend when he got caught with a prostitute back in 95. the one who's graced us with her acting skillz in two austin powers films & well, nothing else really. in fact, she hasn't acted in a film since 2006. instead, she's been spending her time posing for magazines & prepping for this month's launch of elizabeth hurley food, a company that grew out of the fact that she has a 400 ACRE FARM in the english countryside. she used to just use it "as her weekend home, somewhere (she) could escape to when she needed to get out of the city." must be nice. over time she decided to turn it into a farm & elizabeth hurley food was born.
the first products they're rolling out are a line of guilt-free snacks, led by a totally guilt-free beef jerky. like, if you have no real reason for being famous other than being hot & british, you don't have to feel guilty about it. as the guardian's marina hyde notes on her "lost in showbiz" blog, it's "the most ludicrous celebrity product of all time." i couldn't agree more. hurley's a ridiculously ludicrous celebrity. it's even more ludicrous that she now has a "naturally low calorie beef jerky" with her name on it.
hyde explains that the beef jerky goes on sale this week, featuring packaging with "a drawing of elizabeth lying on the ground in a black cocktail dress, kicking her bright-pink wellington boots coquettishly." since i couldn't say it better myself, i'd like to leave you with ms hyde's final thoughts on elizabeth hurley's beef jerky. "the product is billed as 'a guilt-free snack'...and yet, is it? is it really? is there not something about being the type of person who would spent £1.95 on a small dried meat snack purveyed by the star of passenger 57 that would engender the most debilitating feelings of shame and bad conscience in anyone?"
Reader Comments (2)
Why is it guilt free? Because the cows were suicidal? Because Liz slit their throats kosher style?
yes. the cows were the kamikaze pilots of the jerky industry.
...& yes, liz hurley attended rabbinical school to perform the necessary rites which made her beef jerky guilt-free.
thanks for asking.