nosh nook #197 - tuesday, december 15, 2009

orville redenbacher's line of legendary snacks now includes popular popcorn treat (link)
12.15.09 - the times of northwest indiana - by philip potempa
you think you know everything there is to know about snacks? sir and/or madam, that's just poppycock. you can't know everything there is to know about snacks. i mean, i'm like a snack expert & stuff & i just now discovered that in addition to being an awesomely snooty, old-timey word, "poppycock" is also a type of candied popcorn & nut snack that's been around for a few decades now & is akin to crunch & munch or cracker jack. if you believe wikipedia & the merriam-webster dictionary, the word "poppycock" is is an anglicized version of the dutch word "pappekak," which means "soft dung" or "diarrhea." mmm. poppycock.
philip potempa of the times of northwest indiana grew up eating poppycock. he & his family used to watch friday night "creature features" on chicago's wgn-channel 9 & he & his family would snack on popcorn-based products--cracker jack, jiffy pop, fiddle faddle & poppycock. since then, he hadn't thought much about poppycock until a publicist representing con agra (who now owns orville redenbacher) contacted him about poppycock's new branding. she informed him that from beyond the grave, orville redenbacher is trying to get the word out about the fact that poppycock is now being sold under his name & it's now "two great brands but still the same great product." behold! orville redenbacher's poppycock.
potempa's particularly proud of redenbacher's indiana heritage & the late bow-tied popcorn magnate holds a special place in his heart. back in 91 when potempa was at valparasio, redenbacher was "the first celebrity (he) ever interviewed." redenbacher's big in indiana. when you're talking indiana celebrities you're basically talking mj, bird, mellencamp, letterman, johnny appleseed & redenbacher. maybe will shortz. you think i should have included axl rose? that's just poppycock.
anyway, if you think you'd like to give someone you love a lil' poppycock this holiday season, orville has "festive, holiday-themed tins" ready for you to snatch up & wrap up & put under the tree or whatever ceremonial plant your religion requires you to put the presents under. just picture it. it's ambiguous holiday morning & the family's sitting around the ceremonial plant. maybe there's a small child or something at the house so that the act of opening gifts is still overwhelmingly awesome. basically, people are psyched about opening gifts. your female sibling reaches under the plant & pulls out a present from you. "oh, you shouldn't have," she says. you chuckle, possibly guffaw. she unwraps it, stares at it for a moment & holds it up for everyone to see. "it's poppycock." your grandmother laughs to herself. your grandfather passes a bit of gas. at that point, you'll know it's a successful specified winter family gathering holiday & all will be right with the world...thanks to poppycock.
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