nosh nook #192 - tuesday, december 8, 2009

loved by all, bacon truly is the perfect junk food (link)
12.7.09 - charlottesville daily progress - by bryan mckenzie
wow. it's been a while since i last rapped at y'all about bacon, so let's just for today give the hip breakfast favorite a little bit of long-overdue face time. i figure it's the least we can do for bacon since its popularity has been waning a bit recently. ever since cupcake decided to storm the scene & steal all the hipster glory from my beloved bacony buddy, the hype surrounding it has sort of died down. bacon lovers have tried desperately to keep bacon's popularity strong and j&d's has been pumping out numerous bacon-flavored products, but it's been an uphill battle recently for the tasty, greasy strips of breakfast wonder. it's not easy being a hipster fad. just ask white belt & big sunglasses.
for what it's worth, the charlottesville daily progress' bryan mckenzie is trying to do his part to keep people excited about bacon. just yesterday, since he's a believer that "everything's better with bacon," he penned a punny, passionate ode to it and lo & behold, the newspaper went ahead & published it, much to the delight of the bacon-loving populace of charlottesville. why now? well, he recently had that "painful epiphany" that "everything's better with bacon" whilst chatting with the assistant manager at the blacksburg wendy's & he just had to share with everyone. after all, "bacon is a major part of american life," so it's important that he's kept the bacon dialogue going.
we LOVE bacon. as mckenzie says, "it's in our genes!" he even spoke with martha hester stafford, owner of the charlottesville cooking school & she said that "bacon has everything we're genetically programmed to love: fat, sugar & smoke." mmm. fat, sugar & smoke. it's the scientific reason why we make "bacon candy, bacon-fried bananas and bacon brioche." everything's better with bacon. it's so true. mckenzie provides this example: "wrap a chevy in bacon and you get a cadillac." i'm pretty sure that is also true, although the science to back up that claim might be unproven at this juncture. so yeah, don't give up on bacon, no matter how trendy it gets. put it on your sandwich. put it in your coffee. put in on your boobs. put it in your heart.
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