nosh nook #2 - tuesday, march 17, 2009

tasteful germans' tasty obama snack: frozen chicken fingers (link)
03.16.09 - the guardian - by daniel nasaw
people sure do love president obama. back in november, on the night of his election, i was in the fort greene area of brooklyn & people, as they did in various locales all over the country, basically took over the streets & did the happy dance, while the cops just stood by & watched. that same sense of happiness & hope from obama's election has apparently spread to other areas of the world.
in germany, as the guardian's daniel nasaw points out, they've transferred their love of obama to the world of snacking, with "obama fingers." these delights are made by sprehe, whose representative noted, in der spiegel, that the chicken fingers are "an homage to...the new president." hmm. fried chicken...first black president...homage?
i can't say that i fault the german company for associating chicken fingers with obama. first off, americans do love chicken fingers. my youngest brother sucks them down like it's his job. second, is the negative stereotype of fried chicken & black people that prevalent that it's made its way over to germany & now also applies to chicken fingers? third, those chicken fingers look friggin' good. you can call them anything short of "crusty dung treats" & i'd eat them.
Reader Comments (1)
I have yet to see the Obama Fingers or whatever the hell they are called, but I have heard about them. Those whacky Germans...