nosh nook #5 - friday, march 20, 2009

'grocer' offers late-night snacks (link)
03.19.09 - daily pennsylvanian - by travis winkler
u. penn students have always had it pretty sweet. back in 04, they were the recipients of the first cereality cafe, a cereal restaurant chain. it's since closed, but there are several other locations across the country. as of a few months ago, they now have "the lazy grocer," the online brainchild of two u. penn students, offering late night snack delivery to lazy members of the u. penn campus.
according to travis winkler, in his article for the u. penn newspaper, the business students originally developed the service for a class. then they decided to actually make it a reality & rolled out the service last november. so far the top selling item is dunkaroos. according to one of the founders, "it's probably the top selling food because it's the best snack you haven't had since elementary school." wow. has it been that long? man, i need to get me some dunkaroos prawn-toe.
the article goes on to say that the founders hope to extend the service to other penn colleges and eventually create "penn smokes," a delivery service for "cigarettes, cigars, tobacco and hookah supplies." it sounds like a good idea in theory, but i assume there are already a few people on campus who sell late-night "hookah supplies," if you know what i mean...& they might be a little peeved about you muscling in on their territory...& they're not stupid enough to advertise it on the internet. anyway, good luck & godspeed, boys.
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