nosh nook #13 - wednesday, april 1, 2009

cheetos goes big time with nationwide launch of giant cheetos snacks (link)
03.31.09 - via pr newswire
chester cheetah is quite possibly the hippest of all cartoon snack mascots. i mean, he doesn't smoke (on camera) like joe camel used to, but he has big sunglasses & a serious swagger & an insatiable hunger for cheetos brand cheese snacks. that's pretty cool in itself. plus, he's now the world's most recognizable cheetah & can do zero to sixty in under three's just in the cheetah genetics. he's basically a comical celebrity porsche with fur.
this just off the pr newswire...chester cheetah now has big balls (of cheese) to munch on too! GIANT CHEETOS! according to the frito-lay created press release, chester himself had a hand in creating the giant cheetos:
"created by chester cheetah and the absurdly creative cheetos development team, giant cheetos provide the great cheesy taste consumers love, but are roughly the size of golf balls and stand as the perfect expression of the brand's playful personality. available nationwide in cheese and flamin' hot flavors, the brand anticipates the over-sized snack sensation to be a two-bite-per-cheesy-ball experience for the average consumer, while recognizing that more-evolved snackers, or 'big mouths,' will be able to enjoy them in a single chomp."
in the release, frito-lay also describes itself as "the most mischevious and playful snack brand." have you ever tried eating a golf ball? i have & it is not easy...but if mischievous ol frito lay is encouraging people to give their cheese snack the ol single chomp (as we big mouths call it), i estimate that the first giant cheetos-related choking death will occur before the year's end. maybe then chester cheetah will finally learn something from his "playful," reckless behavior.
side note: those frito-lay jerks totally have
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