nosh nook #20 - friday, april 10, 2009

the story of today’s nosh nook heavily involves the story behind today’s nosh nook. since some time yesterday, my apartment’s internet connection has been playing games with me. the modem has started taking its lah-di-dah friggin time before all of its lights start blinking in proper order. i could’ve watched at least an entire episode of clark & michael in the time it has been taking for the connection to properly settle down…that is, if clark & michael wasn’t only on the internet.
when the modem finally started blinking properly, it wasn’t really working properly. i was getting some dial-up like speeds & as a result of this awful connection, i couldn’t log into the ol blog account, which was bad news, considering i had this column unwritten & sitting in the queue, scheduled to post at 8am tomorrow. it would’ve been all “xxx” “xxx – xxx,” so i needed somebody to turn it off…so i calls my sister. she had a “being a doctor” interview wicked early & answered her phone from bed…so i calls my brother. he comes through for me & shuts it off. crisis averted.
…but i start thinking to myself “i wish this internet connection would work. i still need to let the internet know where to go in disparate areas spread throughout the u.s. for their easter egg hunting needs.” every so often, i would check on its status & nothing…but then, in what can only be described as a passover and/or easter miracle, my internet connection mustered enough strength to let me connect & poop out this blog post. i present to you a quick listing of easter egg hunt events around the country…we gotta start those kids hunting as early as possible. hunting for EGGS & CANDY!
easter egg hunt this saturday in fred / the silsbee bee / by gerry l. dickert (link) – from a town in southeast texas, two things that should not be combined: “the easter egg hunt is in fred.” “gerry l. dickert.” my mind is in the gutter.
hop to family easter events / the baltimore sun / by sophia terbush (link) – my favorite event on this list is “skate with the easter bunny” at the shake & bake family fun center. the item jokes “just hope the easter bunny doesn't fall on his cotton tail!” it’s in the upton area & based on what i’ve seen of west baltimore on the wire, that rabbit getting knocked on its ass is highly likely.
this new trend of easter egg drops sounds like trouble to me / WDEF news / by collins parker (link) – out of chattanooga, this article does a great job of covering the phenomena of dropping thousands of easter eggs from a helicopter down to waiting children below.
organizers set rules to keep easter egg hunts sunny side up / the dallas morning news / by katie fairbank (link) – some choice phrases about the physicality of the easter egg hunt…"the people charged like wild animals.” “they add new rules every year to try and keep the fields from becoming big mosh pits.” “in-your-face egg gathering.” kick ass!
anyway, have a good weekend. happy hunting!
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