nosh nook #31 - monday, april 27, 2009

grade schoolers sample 'snack squad' treats (link)
04.26.09 - the williamston enterprise - by brad ritter
theme song (sung to the tune of ghostbusters)...when you've got the munchies...and you need a fix...who you gonna call? the snack squad! when you need a muffin...well don't get should just call...the snack squad! actually, the snack squad is made up of fourth & fifth graders from a school in the lansing, michigan area, so there's likely little that they can do for you & you probably shouldn't be calling them...but they could teach you a thing or two about healthy snacks!
according to brad ritter, months back, 130 students from explorer and discovery elementary schools (in williamston, a town of 4K just outside of lansing) decided to form a "snack squad" & learn a thing or two about healthy eating. ritter spoke with spoke with 4th-grade teacher steve forrest, who said that "...the students were asked if they wanted to do a music presentation or the snack squad. they met 10 weeks and learned about cooking, nutrition and fitness." once again, food trumps music.
every week, the students got to serve the snacks--a sampling of things like fruit cups, homemade salsa & the aforementioned muffins--to fellow classmates. in addition, the kids made a healthy cookbook, so if you're attending the may 14th ice cream social, make sure to pick up a copy. according to the april 09 explorer informer, all proceeds will go to the make-a-wish foundation & the school's "fit for life" program, so you can be sure that by buying one of the cookbooks, you're not supporting gun runners in sudan. that's spending (and snacking) with a conscience.
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