nosh nook #33 - wednesday, april 29, 2009

arson suspected after snack wagon destroyed in blaze (link)
04.28.09 - berrow's worcester journal (uk)
it's a sad day at a layby off the A38, near droitwich, a town just south of birmingham, in the u.k., where a mobile snack bar was apparently deliberately set on fire & left there, obviously by heathens. what man or woman has such a gaping hole in their heart that they are driven to the senseless destruction of snacks? that man or woman is not a man or woman i'd like to meet...barbarian. the berrow's worcester journal, who's responsible for this article, is the world's oldest newspaper, as they've been around since 1690, when they were still taxing americans over there & i'm pretty sure there were actual barbarians. i bet they didn't even believe in truth, justice & the american way back then...that's how long ago it was. now that is some old-timey newspaper business business.
as of press time, the mystery remained...whose mobile snack bar was it & why did somebody do that to the poor defenseless snacks? i figure it's one of three situations:
- it was owned by someone & they are likely crying into their pillow about its destruction & the possible loss of livelihood.
- it was an orphan cart & ran into some trouble & nobody loved it but the system.
- the owner is part of an elaborate scheme to defraud investors & insurers through a well-calculated arson/abandon snack annihilation scheme.
i have my fingers crossed for the third choice.
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