nosh nook #42 - tuesday, may 12, 2009

slob ripper gets a personal trainer (link)
05.11.09 - the sun - by jamie pyatt
back in may of 1981, peter sutcliffe, better known as "the yorkshire ripper," was sentenced to life in prison for the killings of thirteen women in yorkshire county, in north england. the judge advised that sutcliffe should serve at least thirty years before being considered for parole. while parole may never happen, he's going to be turning 65 soon & that thirty year date is coming up soon. back in january, doctors declared him fit to leave prison. apparently he's not as fit as he should be.
as jamie pyatt reports for that bastion of high-brow journalism, the sun, doctors have also "ordered (sutcliffe) to lose four stone." that's fifty-six pounds in american! currently, he weighs 19 stone (266 lbs) because of "his favourite snacks — including burgers, chips, pasta, chocolate and biscuits." he's going to get healthy food instead & if he doesn't lose the weight, he can't leave the prison infirmary.
since he refuses to go to the gym, they've even brought in a personal trainer for him, to do some "upper body work." the exercise & healthier diet are probably for the best, since the dude has diabetes. i'm assuming there are some out there who might be thinking, "why don't they just let him die?" as one who doesn't believe in an eye for an eye, i think taking away his snacks & keeping him alive's the best way to go...that way he can die alone & snackless in prison.
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