nosh nook #50 - friday, may 22, 2009

dew tour announces MATADOR by jack link's as a sponsor (link)
05.20.09 - - by press release
today in the totally celebratory & radically X-treme 50th edition of nosh nook, we have what i'm sort of looking at as my first ever follow up story. back in late march, before i developed a half-assed social networking strategy for this here blog you're reading right now & gave in to twitter, i posted this article to my personal facebook wall, doing my damnedest to ensure that as many folks as possible knew about the launch of a bold new beef snack--the MATADOR.
less than two months later, the MATADOR beef stick is already making some pretty X-treme waves. according to (via press release), they've just signed a multi-year deal to be an associate sponsor of the dew tour, a five-city sports tour that features the largest prize in action sports--$2.5 million. it's a perfect fit for the MATADOR. according to jack link's director of marketing, jeff lefever, "teens have confirmed that our new MATADOR snack sticks have just the right kick they're looking for and we believe our marketing activation will highlight the bold experience of the new MATADOR brand at all dew tour events this year." seriously, does this guy actually believe the boilerplate bullshit that's spewing forth from his piehole?
now, when action-driven teens are looking for just the right kick, they know just where to turn--the MATADOR. other than possessing this essential kick, the best part about the bold MATADOR experience is the fact that they spell their name IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. as an anti-capitalizationist, i applaud their X-treme willingness to flaunt the rules. that's precisely the kind of attitude i want from a beef stick. as for X-treme skater adam taylor, who's now a member of the MATADOR team that will compete at the dew games...he's "stoked."

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