nosh nook #53 - wednesday, may 27, 2009

confessions of a snack addict (link)
05.26.09 - winnipeg sun - by ian gillespie it turns out that i'm not the only one with an excessive, irrational need for snacking, a desire to be as funny as possible as often as possible & a love of making up outlandish stories in the name of humor. last night, while perusing the intrawebz for a captivating news story for today's nosh nook, i came across this commentary from ian gillespie--"confessions of a snack addict." he appears to be on my side and writes columns that appear in newspapers all across canada.
gillespie's (by all accounts fictional) story is one of a personal struggle with late-night snacking, a story that he's finally able to tell due to the (by all accounts fictional) "publication of his new book, fridge raid: the story of a lifelong snack-addict." he was being controlled by his late-night snacking. he was attempting to hide his habit. he was stealing his daughter's easter chocolate & leaving behind meaty remnants of late-night binges...he had it bad.
that's when he found the (by all accounts fictional) support group, late-night snackers anonymous & realized that there are millions of others like him, folks possessed by their midnight nibblings. it's helped him come to a few (by all accounts fictional) realizations. "a late-night snack can't buy you love." "a peanut butter sandwich is not my friend." i'm not sure if i'd go that far, but if it works for him, more power to him. at least he's trying to come to terms with his addiction. like with any addict, he realizes that a cure won't come easy (if it all), so he just "take(s) it one day at a time." good luck, ian...conquer those tasty demons.
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