nosh nook #40 - friday, may 8, 2009

day after pandemonium, kentucky fried chicken honors oprah's grilled chicken coupons (link)
05.07.09 - ny daily news - by lacie hales and dave goldiner
a few weeks back, a co-worker announced that popeyes was doing a one day special offering eight pieces of chicken for $4.99 (regularly $12.99). it was his bday a few days before, so as is tradition in the office (on my first day at work, i was a member of a popeyes run), we celebrated with food for the whole office. he & i ventured out to popeyes in the early afternoon & returned after a two-hour ordeal that involved seeing that the line at the closest one wrapped out the door, trying to find another popeyes & finding out it was closed & returning to the original popeyes to wait in line for a half-hour in one of four lines that all eventually turned into a mass of angry, chicken-wanting customers & even produced a shouting match between an asshat customer & the manager (who, in her defense, was very polite for quite some time before). it was absolute madness.
then, a few days ago, in her tradition of giving things away, oprah announced a promo at kfc. starting tuesday, folks could download & print out a coupon that they could exchange for a free meal at kfc. as hales & goldiner report (what does it say about the fact that the ny daily news has two reporters working this story?), lines at nyc locales were still incredibly long this thursday. despite long waits, people were getting their chicken, a refreshing change from wednesday, when a locale on 42nd st stopped honoring the coupons & people organized a sit-in.
as it is, kfc locales are in danger of running out of chicken this weekend. the shit's definitely going to hit the fan if that happens & peeps are definitely going to get pissed. maybe we'll have more sit-ins! people should take to the streets! seriously, what does it say about our country when people choose to protest about not getting free chicken but sit by silent about pretty much everything else? iraq? prop 8? corporate greed? they ain't no free chicken, that's for sure.

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