nosh nook #69 - thursday, june 18, 2009

nutrition advocate and pain in the ass MeMe roth profiled in times (link)
06.17.09 - village voice - by roy edroso
seriously, will somebody please tell MeMe roth to put a sock in it? for those not familiar with miss MeMe, she's a concerned parent & the head of national action against obesity (NAAO) & she's been all over the place recently enacting her crusade (& i use that word in the most literal sense possible) against junk food & snacks. it's not like i'm a proponent of childhood obesity or anything, but there's a difference between fighting for a cause & acting liking a complete psycho in defense of your cause & MeMe's definitely in the latter category.
it's no mistake that her name is "MeMe," because she's all "me me!" & loves making a scene. gawker referred to her as "new york's worst food nazi mom" and as the village voice notes, MeMe "had the cops called on her 'when she absconded with the sprinkles and syrups on a table where members [of the YMCA] were being served ice cream.'" as if that's not nutty enough, she went & "compared marketers of high-fat foods to rapists." obviously. sure, healthier foods are better, but there's something quite unhealthy about her rib-exposing bikini shot in times sq that accompanies the gawker article.
wow. for once, i'm actually aligning myself with the village voice. i used to read the grandaddy of america's dying alternative newspaper every week without fail, but through a perfect storm of working for ny press, their being bought by new times media & their firing of writers & accompanying declining quality, i haven't picked one up in years, which is weird because i'm totally alternative! so alternative that i'd protest against girl scout cookies though.
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