#104 - meet my day.

wah wah wah! it's rainy! wah wah wah! my feet are wet! wah wah wah! my umbrella broke! wah wah wah! not again, mother nature! wah! let me update my facebook and/or twitter status to reflect my displeasure! wah!...etc. the city has been rainy rainy rainy lately lately lately. forecasts are for rain from now until the end of the first bobby jindal administration, so people need to be start being more accepting of the fact that we had big hair in the eighties & as a result, weather is going to be a disaster, natural or otherwise, for the unforeseeable future...that is, unless scientists figure out a way to alter it. until than happens, quit whining & go bend some wood for the ark...as the bible states in genesis 6:14, please make sure that it is gopher wood. get thee to minnesota!
...so thursday night's post work entertainment was a nyc/brooklyn blogger's meetup at the bell house, a bar/venue located a few blocks from my apartment here in brooklyn. since i'm all about the networking, i reached out to one of my partners in crime, mike weber, and requested his presence at 8ish at said house of bells. it had basically stopped raining (reverse wah!) by the time i left my apt to head over, but five minutes into my walk, it started on up again. luckily, i'd just taken a shower (yes, for bloggers, an often unshowered bunch, i showered), so my hair was already slightly wet & nobody (but me) was the wiser.
since eat!drink!snack! has been a real thing for over a year now, it's high time i got into blatant marketing mode. i was going to buy a bag of assorted chocolates at the store & affix stickers with my logo, name & email to the back of each for handing out purposes (icebreaker!), but got as far as printing the stickers. it worked out ok though, as the rain kept a lot of people away, so i wouldn't have had much opportunity to give candy to strangers anyhow. regardless, i did get to finally meet the peeps from nachos ny, both lee & rachel (the girl who finally brought nachos to this blog by writing the most-read post in the history of eat!drink!snack!). they like nachos. it was another opportunity to see erica, from fuckedinparkslope, home to my weekly column for the last four plus months. i even got to have a short conversation with the guy who runs this bar sucks. he didn't seem to think that bell house sucks, so that was good. it turns out that kristin hersh (throwing muses) was playing in the back room. she pretty much rules, but i wasn't in the mood for a random show, so i passed.
after leaving the meetup, i headed home & put on music for men, the new (& fourth) album from the gossip. you can too! beth ditto (their singer) pretty much rules...way more than kristen hersh. i loved the last album. booty-shaking rock fo sho. this performance on letterman says it all. this is their first album with columbia records & it's produced by the famous/infamous rick rubin, so i'm assuming they're going to be responsible for one of your/our summer jams...especially since they now have a branding agency behind them (two or so page scrolls down). anyway, the new album definitely made my day.
#104 - meet my day.
snack: crunch 'n munch chocolate 'n caramel
drink: foster's
since i'd skipped dinner before heading over to bell house, when i got home, i was quantifiably ravenous. for those tallying the ravenousness at home, that quantity is 4. please update your score cards accordingly. with dinner still some cooking away, i broke open a box of crunch 'n munch chocolate 'n caramel that was hanging out in my cabinet. recently, it's been a snacktime fixture here in the abode, as a box of this delicacy goes for only $1.69 down at my fave bodega. the only drawback...i'm freaked out about the health of my teeth & copious amounts of heftily-sugared corn syrup caramel & chocolate don't help my conscience.
...but the crunch 'n munch chocolate 'n caramel rocks my face. it's a ton of extremely large, stuck together popcorn chunks, with peanuts stuck to the caramel ones. when i eat it, the parts of my brain that crave salt & sugar join hands in a super-sexy slow dance...& then they head home to my stomach where they become one...& are burned with acid...in true love.
on my way home from the meetup, with a couple of $3 blogger special brooklyn lagers in me, i decided to stop by a bodega on the corner of 4th ave & 17th to pick up a beer. when i walked in, something was obviously different about the place. after heading to the coolers, picking out a foster's & bringing it to the counter, i figured out what the difference was...bulletproof glass enclosing the counter...awesome. also, i got carded for buying a foster's...awesome. it's australian for beer!...yeah...& beck's is german.
i got about half way through the mighty australian beer before i got tired & decided to cash in my chips so i could be a functioning human at work the next day. foster's is a good beer if you're looking to get in a bunch of light beer drinking all from a single can. as long as you're opting for economy & mock-exoticism over quality & flavor, you'll be fine with a foster's. if you're a beer snob who made a snap judgment whilst on a lightly-raining walk, you'll regret your decision in the morning...but it'll be friday & it'll end up being a good friday at that, so you won't care in the least.

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