nosh nook #61 - monday, june 8, 2009

ohio state team takes 'buzz lightyear' snack idea to anaheim (link)
06.07.09 - north texas e-news - by ohio state university
to infinity and beyond, bitches! if you're like me & know next to nothing about the toy story movies, those five words (bitches not included) will make it seem like you actually do. it's the catch phrase of toy story hero buzz lightyear, so it's a perfect conversation starter for when you have to talk to children! also, you should use the word "woody" a lot. there's a woody in toy story.
anyway, so as this north texas e-news article (written by ohio state university...each student contributed a letter!) says, five grad students from ohio state's department of food science & technology in the college of food, agricultural & environmental sciences (say that five times fast!) have come up with an awesome buzz lightyear-themed snack, just in time for the next toy story movie & buzz lightyear ride. dubbed the "buzz lightyear star command snack," it's "star- and moon-shaped crackers with peanut-butter banana and chocolate dipping sauces--in a disposable wristband container."
with these snacks, you not only get to pretend you're a cartoon toy, but you get half a serving of fruits & veggies and a half serving of whole grains. for the buckeyes who came up with these munchables as part of a product development competition, they have the opportunity to win "$2,500, a disney trophy and a VIP tour of disneyland park." i hear that the disneyland VIP tour gets you access to disney's underground lair, where they conduct their twisted experiments. that's the sweetest treat of all.

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