nosh nook #88 - wednesday, july 15, 2009

docu "food, inc." gets boost from chipotle (link)
07.14.09 - reuters - by alex porter
when the documentary food, inc. came out as part of a limited release last month, it got a good amount of press for its insight into the workings of our nation's food system. in the same way that fast food nation (the book, not the lackluster linklater movie) aimed to get people thinking about where their food comes from, food, inc. aims to educate american consumers about the big business that is the american food industry. to help spread their message, they've formed an interesting partnership with chipotle mexican grill to promote the film.
as alex porter reports, starting yesterday, chipotle began sponsoring "free screenings of the film in 32 U.S. cities" and placing "promotional material in all of its more than 860 restaurants." chipotle, who began as a company out of denver and has since been bought & sold by mcdonalds, prides themselves on using as many fresh, organic ingredients as possible, putting them in a unique position. they've both been a part of the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants and an advocate for "food with integrity."
steve ells, founder, chairman and co-CEO of chipotle is excited about the partnership. "i hope that all our customers see this film," he said, "the more they know about where their food comes from, the more they will appreciate what we do." what does chipotle do? according to this article, "35 percent of the beans it uses are organically grown and that it serves more naturally raised meat than any other restaurant worldwide." the last part of that probably wasn't that tough of an accomplishment, given that they're huge, with 860 restaurants & over a billion dollars in revenue last year. for food, inc., pairing up with such a huge part of the american food system to promote a film about the problems with the american food system is an interesting approach, but if it gets the word out about the film, good for them. at least they're not working together with a company still owned by mcdonalds.
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