nosh nook #97 - tuesday, july 28, 2009

cheesestrings reinvigorates cheese snacks category (link)
07.27.09 - talking retail
oh man. i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed. the cheese snacks category has been seriously asleep at the wheel lately & it's about time somebody did something about it & gave em a good shot in the arm, woke em up a bit. scientific fact #1: cheese is good. scientific fact #2: kids like cheese. scientific fact #3: kids like individually packaged cheese the best. if said cheese is all natural & has a mischievous mascot named "mr. strings," that's all the better.
that's why the u.k.'s cheestrings have just released "cheesestring shots," a snack designed to please even the least obstinate, least lactose intolerant lil bugger you know. usually cheestrings deals in string cheese, but according to talking retail ("the hub for grocery retail"), they're building "on the cheestrings portfolio" when these AMAZING NEW SNACKS hit store shelves in the next few months.
the cheestring shots are apparently "another fun way to eat cheese." they come in sachets (whatever those are...probably something british). "each sachet contains lots of little cheese pieces for children to shake, before tearing open at the top and shooting the contents straight into their mouths." um. sounds dangerous and/or pornographic. in conclusion, cheese is a good thing...& they probably should've had somebody proofread this piece. it's bad form when your company's name is misspelled in the headline.
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