nosh nook #84 - thursday, july 9, 2009

snack attack: when a pretzel and a potato chip get together (link)
07.08.09 - national post - by karen hawthorne
it's official. after years of living in fear of prejudice & hiding their taboo relationship from the world, pretzel & potato chip have decided to ignore those who would make it difficult for them by finally making it known to the world--they've gotten together...& rather than taking potato chip's last name, they've decided to merge their two names into one snackeriffic one--pretzel crisps.
according to the national post, pretzel crisps have just arrived in canada & are the offspring of a "husband and wife team, warren and sara wilson, who owns the snack factory in princeton, NJ." they're the same folks who developed new york style bagel chips, which are pretty good, so i have confidence that things will work out for potato chip & pretzel as they begin their essentially healthy life together as one snack.
it hasn't been easy for pretzel & potato chip though. people make fun of them for their looks, but as the post's karen hawthorne says, "you just need to get past the appearance. they do look like the spawn of a saltine and a pretzel, almost as if the pretzel was bleached and then flattened so it's (sic) jaunty plump curves are slim and toned." once you're past that, it's snack city for you & as hawthorne notes, the garlic flavor is so good that "you could eat an entire $4 170-gram bag in one sitting, no doubt, if you were up to your old tricks." old tricks? shit. that whole bag eating trick is so still in my repertoire.
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