pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.


nosh nook #108 - wednesday, august 12, 2009

james brown hawks miso soup in japan (link)
08.11.09 - the village voice "fork in the road" blog - by sarah degregorio

hi there village voice. i hear that your "fork in the road" food blog/column just had a cat set up their twitter account. that's cool. i'm following them. heck, i even have the fork set up in the ol' google reader so i can absorb or quickly forget the full versions of their various stories. to my surprise, tonight, i got an email letting me know that you, the village voice, are following me on twitter. that's really nice of you, especially considering that fork in the road hasn't even bothered to acknowledge me yet. can you tell them that they should follow me? send out an interdepartmental memo or something? i'd DM them myself & ask, but i'm trying to move on to web 3.0 & i'm pretty sure that doesn't involve DMs. it'll be all about the PMs, baby.

anyway, speaking of the google reader, one story from the fork in the road blog came up in my reader & it totally grabbed me by the horns & made me like get on up now & stuff. it's a blog entry linking to a youtube video of james brown hawking miso in japan. seriously, call your friends & co-workers round & queue this puppy up, give a call to your tech-savvy relatives & get them to queue this puppy up. whatever you do, queue this puppy up round as many people as possible & dream of soup. it's a gem & if the view counter on the youtube video goes above its current 240 level, we'll know peeps are actually reading either this blog or fork in the road. ah, whatever. the video...

oh james brown. what happened to you? i mean, i'm a supporter of miso soup & love slurping it pre-meal & all, but i wouldn't sell my soul for it. wait...do they even have souls in japan any more or have they advanced beyond that? they must have advanced beyond that. after all, they got james brown to sing & dance in a miso soup commercial. souls & human advancements aside, at least he inspired janet jackson to fly high. that's advanced! good god y'all!

« nosh nook #109 - thursday, august 13, 2009 | Main | #117 - sexy black-haired mamas. »

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