#115 - all points afar.

friday was like the little day that could. through a hookup through a friend with ties to the jay-z camp, a group of us were planning on going to the first night of the all points west festival, headlined by jigga & held out in liberty state park, in jersey city, just across the river from manhattan. so i could leave work mid-afternoon, i upped my game & got to work a full hour early at 9:30am. i swear i saw the sunrise en route to the subway. at work, everything went relatively smoothly. in fact, i propose five hour days from here on out, because the amount of work i got done by having to cram it into five hours was truly monumental. employers, if you are monitoring my blog, please take note. less hours = increased productivity. salary intact, please.
...so i got out by 2:30 & made my way back to brooklyn to run a few errands & relax at home whilst everyone else finished their days. i had thoughts of going to see ra ra riot, but eventually set a goal of getting there in time to see flying lotus (not safe for work/not safe for strobe haters) in the dj tent at 7:15. during that time, the group plan split into two pre-festival meetup groups, with one including the friend responsible for the hookup & the other including me & one other dude. also during that time, the skies opened up with some pretty impressively awful downpours, to the point where i, hater of umbrella-carrying, carried an umbrella on my journey to meet the aforementioned other dude where he was hanging out, at the apartment of a friend of his in battery park city.
when i arrived, the three of us hung out for a while, conversatin' & bumping a whole lot of jay-z. since the apartment was in battery park city there was a ridiculous view of the harbor from the bedroom windows. to make it even better, there was a sweet terrace type thing a few floors up, complete with bullt in grills & patio areas. once the doppler radio informed us we were in the clear rainwise, we ventured up there & from there, we had a clear view across the harbor to liberty state park, where we posited that vampire weekend was finishing up their set. since i love my phone's camera, i took a few photos of the environs, none of which included a view of liberty state park.
upon returning downstairs, we soon discovered, through a few phone calls & much resignation, that our entry to the festival was in jeopardy. awesome. apparently things were messed up for those relying on our particular method of entry & it was close to 8:30 & in the end, we had already missed every band but jay-z & MSTRKRFT anyhow. the other two dudes had other possible angles to entry, but i'd already had a few fun hours in battery park city, so i headed back to brooklyn to end my evening. jigga what? jigga no.
#115 - all points afar.
snack: homemade beef jerky
drink: yuengling lager
but! while i was there & doing the getting to know of the friend's friend, a mention came of this here blog & its content & the friend's friend, quite hospitable as he was, offered me a piece of homemade beef jerky from a jar on the kitchen counter. there were a dozen or so pieces of jerky remaining out of a jar that probably held 100 or so pieces. apparently my friend had emptied most of the rest of it on a previous visit. it was that jerkilicious.
since it was homemade, i inquired about the story behind the jerky. according to our host, the best beef to get for jerky is from key food, as it's cheap & of acceptable quality. i'm pretty sure this jerky was made of beef from there. either that or he really wanted to drive the key food thing home for some reason. it was spiced with peppercorns, vanilla & something asian that i believe, in a tribute to wayne's world, was called "cream of sun yung guy." not really though. something asian, but definitely not that...so yeah, damn good jerky. from the jerky-induced conversations surrounding its consumption, i've learned that it's not that big of a challenge to make jerky, so i may give it a shot one of these days.
whilst prepping for what i thought was going to be all points west, i repeatedly revisited yuengling, a beer that i'd previously imbibed back in march during tv month. since i was eventually headed for liberty state park, it made sense that i'd be drinking a beer from the country's oldest brewery. go freedom! go freedom to drink many lagers in good company! anyway, our host had a fridge full of them, so once i exhausted the only guinness (erin go bragh!) in the fridge, i went american.
as far as cheap beers go, yuengling's wonderful. i still hold fast to my opinion that i'll pay a buck more for a yuengling if it means avoiding a bud. yuengling's headquartered in pottsville, pa, home of the crimson tide & the county seat of & largest city in schuylkill county. the beer has a friggin eagle on the label! OMG patriotism orgasm! anyway, it made me not care so much that i never made it to the festival. on the upside, i'll have more energy for ac/dc in albany tonight. second row! my heart and/or ears and/or brain may explode. stay tuned for results.
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