the musical fruit: movement #2.

the musical fruit: movement #2.
song: "killed by the boom," the veils
fruit: kiwifruit
wow. lord of the rings sure made new zealand look like the bestest place on the planet, huh? lush greenery, short people, creepy flightless birds...what's not to love about it? they also have flight of the conchords, but they're not really a real band really. as far as real bands go, the best i've heard from new zealand is the veils. they're fronted by finn andrews, a dude with a voice that alternates between sounding like jack white, nick cave, richard ashcroft (the verve), neil hannon (divine comedy), conor oberst, thom yorke & probably somebody else throughout their three albums. not pete doherty though, at least vocalwise. the veils released their third album & first in two plus years, sun gangs, back at the beginning of april. the top track on it at the moment for me is "killed by the boom," the fourth track in. the veils' catalog contains a handful of poppier, loungier songs with humurously tragic lyrics, but this one's a rocker. the tragic lyrics are still intact. in fact, the chorus even contains the lyrics "oh no what a tragedy." andrews brings out his jack white voice & they do some serious rocking out, muse/queens of the stone age style. think lord of the rings, but with guitar. quality stuff. apparently they put on a good live show too. damn. i guess they just played around the friggin corner at bell house on monday night. ball = dropped. culprit = me.
in honor of these musical kiwis (well...two of them are kiwis at the moment), yesterday, i started my day with a kiwifruit for breakfast & had another as my last snack of the day...a kiwi kick in the ass & nightcap, respectively. i forgot just how good these hairy ass fruits are. they're sweet & tart all at once, with seeds & acceptable consistency & that different-colored center. you can basically eat the whole thing other than the fur, which is a definite bonus, especially if you're like me & enjoy picturing the kiwifruit screaming as you peel off its skin before eating the ENTIRE THING.
who makes the most kiwis worldwide? new zealand, right? nope. italy! take that kiwis! the mafia muscled in on your kiwi racket. how's #2 feel? anyway, the best part about the kiwifruit is that you can't even tell it's genetically related to a bird! crazy! doesn't taste like chicken in the least! what'll new zealand's fruit geneticists think of next? a treat called a "koalafruit?" i hope so! i can't bear to eat the mammal equivalent.

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