nosh nook #122 - tuesday, september 1, 2009

foodie festival's fare is cheap and healthy (link)
08.31.09 - sf chronicle - by robert selna
out in the bay area, people are basically a bunch of hippies. liberal commie pelosi-loving hippies. that's just a scientific and historical fact. what makes it worse is that they can't just keep to themselves & be content in their homes with their pornography & their jazz & medical marijuana & homosexuality. instead, they roam our streets, pushing their extreme counterculture ways on everyone else. it's a travesty, really. except for that mormon-funded gay victory, they've taken over the entire bay area. i bet tricky dick & anita bryant are rolling over in their graves over the current situation.
get this. according to the san fran chronicle (which is probably a liberal rag...or is that the examiner?), this past weekend, oaklanders attended something called the "eat real festival," a three-day sustainable food gathering held in a square named after socialist author jack london. it "featured farmers, brewers and street vendors with trucks selling mexican food, falafel and barbecue." i believe a falafel is an arab sandwich. hmm. the festival's purpose: to show "that cheap and tasty food can also be good for people and the planet." oh, brother. there they go again with the planet.
i don't get the festival's take on food. the reason why we're such an advanced nation is because we have such huge farms with such advanced technology & such advanced distribution chains that we can feed everyone. robert seina, author of this article mentions that "most items on sale at eat real were in the $1 to $5 range." $5? how is that sustainable? you can get a $5 dollar foot-long for that price! liberals love spin, i guess. as for the festival, it wasn't entirely bad. friday was "ice cream friday." i like ice cream. they had a "beer shed." i like beer. there was even a butchery contest, an event where "three teams of local butchers go head-to-head on quarter steers." i like butchering things.
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