nosh nook #132 - tuesday, september 15, 2009

hostess cupcakes celebrate 90 years as america's favorite cupcake (link)
09.14.09 - reuters
let's get one thing straight: hostess cupcakes rule. from their distinctive, slightly-unnatural cream filling to that swirl on the top, they're basically the pinnacle of mass-produced cupcakes. that's a scientific fact. they're so special that i've come up with a perfected method for eating them. i start with one solid bite that takes out about of third of the cupcake, giving me a good taste of the cake, cream & icing while still leaving me with a good amount of cream filling. from there, i chew off everything on both sides of the swirly icing, leaving me with the maximum amount of swirliness & cream filling for that last bite. it's become such an ingrained habit that i can't eat them any other way. so yeah, i like them quite a bit.
in case you forgot to mark your calendar, yesterday, hostess issued a press release reminding us that it's time to celebrate the cupcake's 90th birthday. in its lifetime, the hostess cupcake has both become "the best selling snack cake in history" & the one that's accumulated the most fun facts! did you know that the identity of the hostess cupcake's inventor is a mystery? they don't even know who invented it. what u.s. city consumes the most hostess cupcakes? memphis, followed by st. louis, cincy, vegas & louisville. on a completely unrelated note, memphis, vegas & louisville are #11, #4 & #10 on men's fitness' 2009 list of the fattest cities. did you know they have a mascot named "captain cupcake?" it's true. dude has a periscope & epaulets & everything. i remember the commercials from my childhood. at one point, he & twinkie were the jordan & pippen of hostess.
hostess cupcakes may be 90 years old, but they're totally tech savvy, with a twitter account & a facebook page. my grandfather turns 90 in less than a month & although he rules, as far as i know, he doesn't have either of those. of course, he's not run by a billion dollar corporation either. with hostess, i actually follow their twitter account & although it's fairly boring, if you want to be as cool as me, you should probably do the same. now if they could just manage to bring their web page into the 21st century, then they'd be totally hip.
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