nosh nook #140 - friday, september 25, 2009

police: vandal goes on snack attack at UC (link)
09.24.09 -
i'm pretty sure i've seen the movie p.c.u. over a hundred times since it came out during my sophomore year of college. that movie rules. everyone had a cause to trumpet, from the animal rights protesters who got a tub of meat dumped on them to the penis-hating womynists. after an entire film where the members of the pit had mocked & harassed all the politically correct groups on campus, they're all brought together to party as one when p-funk shows up on campus & plays the pit's rager. coeds love partying just as much as they love causes. college campuses have always been a place for flourishing activism, as plucky young boys & girls blossom into adulthood & decide they should at least stand for something, not knowing how beaten out of them that something will be by their mid-thirties. when your cause is still meaningful to you, it's a lot of fun. sometimes you protest peacefully, sometimes not. sometimes you get shot or tear gassed by cops, sometimes not.
it looks like there's was a bit of activism on the university of cincinnati campus just the other day. as wlwt reports, u.c. police arrested matthew peterson, a twenty-something dude with a "dude" sort of look when he "cut the electrical cords and data phone lines off of multiple vending machines, rendering them inoperable." vandalism! three counts! one! two! three! vandalism goes on all the time on college campuses, but when you make it so that wasted, hungry college students can't get their late-night cheetos fix, you cross a line & that just can't be tolerated.
where's the activism come in? campus police said that "peterson vandalized the machines because he didn't want people to eat the unhealthy food." dude cut the cords because he wanted to make a statement about unhealthy snacks. really dude? that's how you decided to make a difference? by cutting the cords of three vending machines & doing it in such a lame fashion that you got caught? i seriously hope you were all hopped up on goof balls at the time & hadn't thought it through properly. it's great & all to take action & get college students to eat healthy, but to be in your twenties & do so in such a ridiculously ineffective manner is some serious high-school shit. better luck next time, matthew.
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