nosh nook #125 - friday, september 4, 2009

an off-putting brew with extra hops (link)
09.03.09 - the new zealand herald - from ap
every once in while, you unexpectedly come across nature in your food. you're happily chomping away at your salad & upon lifting up a piece of lettuce, discover there's some sort of african worm hiding under there. get your greasy ass chinese food home, sit down in front of the tv & dig on in. half way through you notice what is most likely a millipede cooked into your wonton. you're pretty sure it's a millipede, but you can't find the other half. "excuse me waiter. there's a fly in my soup. what's he doing there?" waiter leans in to examine. "i believe he's doing the backstroke." etc etc. there was that dude a few months back who swore he found a snake head in his jersey t.g.i. friday's broccoli. luckily, i've never had anything more than a fly in a dish.
it happened to a dude in florida & since it's one of those "tales from the wacky," the new zealand herald picked it up. an off-putting brew with extra hops! ha! as the story goes, back in late july florida resident fred dinegri was out grilling & grabbed himself a pepsi. when he cracked the can open & took a swig, he got a secret prize inside all cracker jack style, but in a freaky way. at first he thought it was a rodent but after further examination, determined that it was a frog/toad...& not the cool kind you kiss to become a princess. oh man. i'd be HOPPING mad if that ever happened to me.
pepsi spokesman jeff dahncke calls bullshit. he was quoted as saying that "the speed of production lines and rigorous quality control made it impossible for a frog or toad to get into a can." "denegri said he was certain the animal was in the can before he opened it." the FDA says it's the real thing. who do you believe? a corporation or a citizen & the government? maybe that frog was really fast! i looked at the picture (NSFW) & whatever it is, it's nasty. if it is a frog, it is a former frog.
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