sailing the seas of sauce.

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last night i met up with a bunch of friends at montero's, a dive bar that's been around for decades & is the last business on atlantic ave before it finally comes to an end at the east river. friday night's usually karaoke night there but last night the person who generally runs karaoke was AWOL & the bartender had no clue as to whether or not somebody else was showing up to run karaoke. eventually, after a couple beers we left & went down the street to the roebling inn for a few more drinks because montero's was packed with people hoping to do karaoke but there was no karaoke & therefore, no real reason to be at montero's.
all evening long i had late night dining on the mind. the reason: yesterday fucked in park slope published an article i wrote about late night dining in park slope. once i got a few beers in me, i was all "i'm totally going to use my own guide!"...& then i did. finally, just after 2am, i stopped by 200 fifth, a park slope sports bar/restaurant that serves food til 3am on the weekend, to pick up some food to bring home. i ordered up a small order of honey wings ($7.95) & while i waited for them to come out, i killed time with a sixpoint sweet action at the bar.
fifteen or so minutes later, my wings came out & i headed home, where i sat down to watch a 3am AMC showing of "the fan," a 1981 film about a record salesman who's obsessed with an actress (played by lauren bacall). it was pretty awful but the wings were pretty good. they were meaty, with well-cooked chicken & enough sweet honey wing sauce to drown a pygmy elephant, which is key for someone who loves sauces as much as i do. i mean seriously...if you're looking at the above photo, you're probably thinking "wow. it looks like you've got yourself a gnarly lava flow of leftover honey wing sauce there." you'd be correct in thinking that. it was a comical amount of sauce for a dozen chicken wings...tasty wings though.

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