the devil made me do it.

i am absolutely the WORST at going to bed at a reasonable, adult-like hour. oh! it's 2am? well that's the perfect time for popping on a movie & flaring up the oven! take this past weekend. on friday night, although it was well after midnight, i decided it was in my best interest to scroll through my on-demand options & see what film was best suited to keep me up past 3am. i ended up watching the 2010 film devil. it's produced by & based on a story by m. night shyamalanadingdong & features chris from the most recent season of damages & a dude who i totally thought was lafayette from true blood but totally isn't & that sorta-young mexican dude who seems to be in everything.
while i was watching it, i cracked open a can of idris fiery ginger beer that i'd picked up earlier in the evening at astoria's euro market. unfortunately, the next day i discovered that the village voice had blown up my spot the previous wednesday by doing a brit ginger beer taste test. jerks. in said test, the idris lost to old jamaica ginger beer & though i've never tried that, i can see why it lost. though the front of the can warns "try me if you dare!" & the "y" in "fiery" has a devil tail protruding from it, there's a surprising's disappointingly UN-spicy.
fortunately, it went quite well with devil & its yawntastic plot. five people are stuck in an elevator. there's a black dude, a white dude, a bug-eyed dude, a young woman & an old woman. one by one, they start dying. there's a former alcoholic cop talking to them & a religious mexican security guard who is the first to realize the devil is IN DA HOUSE. can that pesky devil be stopped? only eighty minutes of go-nowhere plot will tell!
as for the idris fiery ginger beer, it's british so it's made with sugar instead of HFCS. since sugar's obviously not enough sweetness for one soda, they also added in acesulfame K & aspartame, two ingredients that were also in the can of r. white's lemonade that i tried at chip shop about a month back. british readers! is this how your sodas are made? with artificial sweeteners? LAME. in this case, the ginger is present but not all that strong. with the sugar, it does a good job of hiding the artificial sweeteners, so the flavor's not screwed up...i'll just get cancer is all. now that's a twist.
Reader Comments (1)
I cannot believe you didn't like Devil. I thought it was such a great movie! And, if you can't tell, I am NOT being sarcastic!
I am disappointed to hear that the spice was lacking in that ginger beer. Sometimes, I buy ginger and lemon and use the 2 with some stevia and my SodaStream to make my own ginger aleish mocktail