pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.


sailing the seas of sauce.

(view on flickr)

last night i met up with a bunch of friends at montero's, a dive bar that's been around for decades & is the last business on atlantic ave before it finally comes to an end at the east river. friday night's usually karaoke night there but last night the person who generally runs karaoke was AWOL & the bartender had no clue as to whether or not somebody else was showing up to run karaoke. eventually, after a couple beers we left & went down the street to the roebling inn for a few more drinks because montero's was packed with people hoping to do karaoke but there was no karaoke & therefore, no real reason to be at montero's.

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tomorrow morn, i will poop the remains of korean tacos out of my butt.

this afternoon, i was in the city for work-related developments & since i'm never EVER in the city these days (long live brooklyn!), i scanned the ol' twitter feed to see where the manhattan food trucks were hanging out today. i discovered that one of the korilla BBQ trucks had parked on park & 25th at 11am, just blocks from my work-related destination. i'm down with korean tacos. korilla BBQ for the win!

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flea at laff #12: dough/thirstea.

snack: passionfruit with cocoa nibs donut
drink: kumquat lemon bubble tea

if you've been following along at home, you'll remember that back round the beginning of may i visited the brooklyn flea & had myself a tasty snack-drink combo from brooklyn bangers. if you haven't read said post yet, please click through & enhance my web traffic, you lazy cheapskate. anywho, i started that particular post by mentioning how i was a regular champion when it comes to sleeping in. a few weeks back, i went for the gold & after a friday evening where i'd stupidly stayed up til 3am watching episodes of workaholics, the following day i slept in until just before 3pm. it was epic but unfortunately, it also meant that if i wanted to head out to the flea, i had to get my ass in gear & head up to ft greene quicklike before the flea closed at 5pm.

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#191 - three is the magic number.

oh hey there internet. how's your june been going? mine's been aight. thanks for asking. i decided to take a few weeks off from blogging & while i was away, in addition to doing a lot of thinking, two fridays ago i celebrated the third anniversary of my first ever blog post here on eat!drink!snack! i suppose it was a joyous moment. in the blog's first year, i was a snacking maniac, pumping out snack-related news & diatribes at least once or twice a day. a bunch of my friends & family wrote a dozen sweet guest posts. i was psyched. the second year brought our first ever pumpktoberfest & the continuation of snacking news with a column that lasted until the spring--the snackdown!--but by the end of the year, i started to burn out a bit from updating the blog on the daily all by myself. my third year was the one where i finally hit the wall & between that & some kinks in my personal life, i haven't been all that productive, posting something here about once a week if that. i know. it's ridiculously lame of me.

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in a way, i baked these cookies for dead people.

going free form! happy memorial day, americans! time to get out there & honor soldiers who've been killed in the line of duty and/or have a BBQ & get drunk! personally, i'm more in it for the BBQ angle, but that's just because i'm TOTALLY a communist and/or socialist. this year, i'm heading to the carroll gardens area of brooklyn for a backyard BBQ & the host suggested that i bring along some form of dessert. as a professional snacker, i was more than happy to oblige but not put a tremendous amount of effort or money into it.

at first i was going to go the enhanced brownie route but that usually requires eggs, an item which has never entered my fridge. as such, i decided it'd be cheaper & more fun to go with some sort of hippie cookie dough. luckily i was in park slope, where you can find dozens of hippie cookie doughs within a ten-block radius. i went with this one...

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