pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in flea at laff (13)


flea at laff #8: red hook lobster pound.

snack: "connecticut style" lobster roll
drink: maine root blueberry soda

...& we're back. so some three saturdays ago, it was friggin beautiful outside. the sun was out in full force, but it wasn't uncomfortably hot, the air was dry without the typical NYC summer stab-me-in-the-face mugginess & there was a pleasant breeze about. it was one of the first days this summer where i stepped outside of my apartment & thought to myself "hell yeah, summer. this is where it's at." it really made me wonder why summer chose to treat us all so cruelly over the last two months. it was a perfect day to venture out & spend part of my saturday afternoon cramming food into my face at the brooklyn flea.

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flea at laff #7: mile end/crop to cup.

snack: the ruth wilensky
drink: large iced coffee

oh brooklyn flea! how i've (sort of) missed you! what's it been, like a month or so since we last played? i'm truly sorry. i've been slightly broke & slightly busy recently & visiting you just hasn't been in the cards. plus, after a bunch of visits to you this summer, i've determined that for me, you don't have that much to offer other than the food. no, i'm not interested in a bunch of plastic, marquee-sized letters. i think i'm all set with that sparkly prom dress as well. ditto for 75% of the other non-food items you have for sale. as much as i try to tell myself that some end table or old-timey soda shop sign is going to one day catch my eye & come home with me, i'm only kidding myself...it's mostly just junk.

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flea at laff #6: porchetta/brooklyn soda works.

snack: porchetta sandwich
drink: grapefruit, jalapeno & honey soda

it's official. the summer's here. i know so not because of that solstice thing that happened back on monday but because of something i noticed at the brooklyn flea this past saturday, that definitive, annual sign that the summer has arrived...there are hottie-type ladies out EVERYWHERE!...like ALL OVER DA PLACE! i don't know where they've been hiding all winter & at this point, i don't really care. it's pretty much my favoritest time of the year, the time when sweaters & long sleeves & stupid stupid UGGS give way to skin & sundresses & tank tops. ladies...thank you for looking so undeniably fetching this past weekend. i appreciate it. when i met my bro there in the early afternoon, there you were in all your glory...the beautiful, sundress-clad women of the BK. on the outside, i tried not to stare too much, but on the inside, i was all like "DAY-YAM! SWEET TATS YO!"

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flea at laff #5: red hook vendors.

snack: flautas
drink: tamarind drink

it's official. i am never ever paying attention to weather reports ever again...like ever. this past weekend, in a repeat performance from the previous weekend, the weathermen called for saturday lightning bolts from the sky. with that forecast, i was thinking that the weather was going to foil my plan to head to the brooklyn flea, but when i awoke, i saw no hint of lightning bolts, so i threw on some pants & carried on with my plan. as a special treat, after a few weeks of going to the flea solo, this time i met up with ms. jessica, a friend & proud flea neighborhood resident.

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flea at laff #4: the good fork.

snack: meatloaf sandwich
drink: d&g jamaican ginger beer

oh brooklyn flea. would it kill you to learn about the concept of turnover? this past weekend i made my fourth trip this season to the flea & let me tell ya, it gets sadder every week. see that bitchin guitar up above? i first mentioned that guitar back in back in late april & every week for the past month, i've gone back & it's been sitting there on that table, just waiting to be bought by the reincarnation of ronnie james dio. i tell you what...i believe the ouija board behind it is a relatively late addition & if it's still there mid-month, i'm going to go all tawny kitaen, buy it, summon the ghost of dio & get that guitar bought quicklike. you just wait! summer taunt-the-guitar-shredding ghost party at my place!

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