pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in flea at laff (13)


flea at laff #3: salvatore bklyn.

snack: open faced sandwich (ricotta, arugala, prosciutto, sea salt)
drink: san pellegrino aranciata

it's been a few weeks since i last made it out to the brooklyn flea, so this past saturday, i decided to get out of the apartment, get some fresh air & check out the flea scene. by the time i got up & got my lazy ass out the door, it was early afternoon & a beautiful seventy degree day out & i had a bunch of new albums on the ipod, so i was ready to rock. this week, i wasn't all that intrigued by the merchandise at the flea, but i did spend a few minutes at this one booth filled with books. there wasn't really anything worth reading though, but there were an abnormally high number of copies of twilight & the kite runner sprinkled throughout the books.

i'd only had a bowl of cereal earlier in the day, so after a few times weaving up & down the aisles, i was ready for a snack & stopped at the table for salvatore bklyn, who were set up close to the front of the market. salvatore was founded a few years back by two ladies from brooklyn (betsy & rachel) & first made a name for itself with ricotta cheese. their basic story is rachel went to italy, met this dude named salvatore who made bomb-ass ricotta cheese & she and betsy became great friends with him. upon returning to the states, they created a similar cheese & named it after him. then people tried it & were all like "day-yam." now you can get their cheese at all the hip cheese establishments & according to their website, "if cheese were a rock star, it'd be salvatore bklyn." hell, they don't even need vwls. tht's ttly rck str.

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flea at laff #2: milk truck.

snack: mediterranean grilled cheese
drink: mexican coca-cola

one of the best things about flea markets is that you can go to them & wander around for hours just looking at stuff, knowing full well that you aren't buying a damn thing. you can show up, bullshit with some old dude about the importance of gargoyles for a half hour, really show interest in a particular latvian one he has & even make up some story about how your dead uncle was latvian. then, out of nowhere you can flip the switch on him, give him the ol' "well i'm going to think about it. good day, sir" & slowly back away from his gargoyle booth. in a nutshell, i'm one of those folks who wanders around flea markets looking at stuff & never buying any of it.

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flea at laff #1: asiadog.

snack: "sidney" chicken dog
drink: fresh squeezed limeade soda

here in brooklyn there's the brooklyn flea, a flea market held every weekend at two different locales--on lafayette ave in ft greene on saturday & right outside the atlantic center on sunday. it just started up again back on the 10th & this year, they've assembled an impressive lineup of TWENTY-FIVE hott food vendors, with folks like sigmund pretzel shop, kumquat cupcakery, pizza moto, mile end, porchetta & red hook lobster pound serving up treats to flea-goers. since i need to get outside more often, i've decided that over the next few months, i'm going to try to pay the flea as many visits as possible & sample as many of the copious snack & drink options as possible.

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