#81 - for openers...

sports sports sports sports! sports sports sports sports! i sure do love sports recently. after a monday postponement, today was opening day at fenway park for the boston red sox, as they took on a team who knocked the sox out of the playoffs last year & has turned out to be their most formidable opponent as of late--the scrappy, young tampa bay devil rays.
as i work in times sq & don't have cable, especially the kind that gets red sox games, i decided to make my way over to the closest place carrying the game...the time sq espn zone. since moving to nyc in 01, i've only been in here twice, both for red sox games. one time, the sox game was starting just as a knicks playoff game was finishing up, which meant copious meatheads abounded for the first couple innings & the other time, the bartender abandoned me for a good 20-25 minutes just as i was finishing up my beer & getting ready to head out. let's just say that she got left an "estimated amount."
today, i got out of work early & made it over there by about 4:30, just in time to catch the tail end of the 2nd inning. i headed up to the bar, grabbed myself a $10.02 25oz sam adams boston ale & took a seat at a table on the ground floor level, which was basically empty save for a couple of people watching the sox & a couple watching some futbol. being able to chillax by myself in the middle of crazy ass times sq, drink a sam & watch the sox was much needed sanity-wise.
& they had wireless there, which meant i could play with my stupid ipod while watching the game!...& ted kennedy threw out the first pitch to former red sox outfielder/hall of famer jim rice and pedroia & varitek homered, beckett pitched well & the sox won 5-3, so it's a good start to the baseball season.
#81 - for openers...
snack: calbee hot & spicy chips
drink: paldo aloe vera drink
by the time i got home after the sox' victorious win, i was in the mood for some snacking, so i broke into my recent chinatown haul & went with the bag of calbee hot & spicy chips. when i cracked the bag open, an odd but savory odor escaped & wafted up into my nostrils. basically, they taste like a less-appealing mesquite barbecue chip. that ain't spicy, calbee. i know you are from hong kong, but that doesn't mean that you can't be spicy. it's ok. go nuts next time.
ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. [pause] ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. this paldo aloe vera drink is all glllllllllggggggg & slither in my mouth because it has floating chunks of aloe & gel pieces & pulp in it. it is like flies have landed & since drowned/gone into diabetic shock in my tasty, fruity beverage & i haven't been paying attention & next thing i know, they're [barf] all chilling & wriggling round in the back regions of my throat, urging me to drink more aloe drink to wash them down. but then there are more flies & i puke in my mind! that is what it is like.
so...i've got some bad news. i grossed myself out to the point that i went to the kitchen with the goal of straining out the flies. that didn't turn out so well. basically, i just washed my kitchen counter with aloe. that's good for it though, right? softens it up? soothes burns?...looks like i'll just have to settle for a tall cool glass of apple & eve natural style apple juice instead. no flies in that. maybe a worm or something, but if there is, it's so liquefied that i'll never know. go sox!