only in ny #9: sweet afton.

snack: beer battered fried mcclure's brooklyn pickles
drink: southern tier hop sun
you know where i hardly ever go? queens. as far as nyc goes, it's WAY THE FUCK up there. i've lived in brooklyn the entire decade that i've been in nyc & these days i live in south brooklyn, so for me queens is a galaxy far, far away. most of my experience with queens has been trying to get to the airport. back round the end of march, my brother & amy (his lady friend) moved to queens & more specifically, astoria & since then i've found myself up there at least a handful of times. at the beginning of june, the bro was traveling to vegas for the weekend to participate in a kaiju big battel performance & amy was off gallivanting around switzerland, so they needed someone to stay with their two pooches--harriet (staring at the camera in the below photo) & olive (lying down). that "someone" was me. vacation in astoria!