pumpktoberfest #43 -
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pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in brooklyn (36)


nosh nook #113 - wednesday, august 19, 2009

where little chefs learn the art of slicing and dicing (link)
08.18.09 - the ny times - by ann farmer

kids do the darndest things! sometimes they're all chill & relaxed & reading a book or mesmerized by a dvd featuring thomas or dora or whoever kids are obsessed with these days and sometimes they're running around all batshit crazy, knocking things around while barking like a dog & declaring that they're king/queen of the lizards...at least that's what i assume kids would do if i ever interacted with any. the other thing about kids: you have to feed them or they die. it's true! they don't get their nutrients via photosynthesis, folks.

luckily for peeps in brooklyn with kids, there's now a way to channel those kids' energy into an activity that ensures that they won't die of starvation. as the ny times' ann farmer explains, emily rios, a "licensed clinical social worker, educator and self-professed 'foodie'” started the creative cooks culinary center last year to teach kids about food & specifically how to prepare & cook different dishes. she "treats the culinary arts as an anthropological adventure." kids love anthropology!

rios teaches the kids how to make a wide range of dishes from around the world, dishes such trinidadian "doubles," "arroz con pollo," "pastelitos" & "a vegetarian dish called buddhist delight." exotic! she knows when to curb the etocism though. as the article mentions, she "could have done something with salted codfish this week, but (she) knew they wouldn't like it." well duh. it's salted codfish. in addition to teaching kids how to cook, she takes them on culinary outings around the city. they've visited chinatown's mahayana buddhist temple, a caribbean market & a tortilla factory. a tortilla factory? lucky kids. when i was a kid, we never got to visit a tortilla factory or make trinidadian dishes. hell, i didn't even know that sushi existed until some time around high school. kids these days are so advanced!


nosh nook #100 - saturday, august 1, 2009

how america eats has changed; snacking is the new meal (link)
07.30.09 - the register herald (beckley, wv) - by john blankenship

straight out of brooklyn, the $5 slice (link)
07.30.09 - the ny times - by manny fernandez

sorry for the nosh nook delay, folks. yesterday morn was a little off the normal schedule for me. i was planning on heading to liberty park for the all points west fest (more on that debacle to come later), so in order to leave work at a reasonable enough time, i planned to get into work at the SHOCKINGLY early time of 9:30. when i woke up yesterday morn to pen a nosh nook about john blankenship's thursday piece about how america's meal habits are becoming more snack like, i came across this OTHER ny times article & decided i just had to write about that instead...so i waited on it til today. plus, it's the 100th edition of the nosh nook so i like to be happy with the pieces tied to randomly important sounding numbers. i know...excuses, excuses.

so this times article by manny fernandez focuses on di fara pizza, a new york legend located in the midwood neighborhood of brooklyn & run by a 72-year old guy who only uses ingredients flown in from italy. they recently raised the price of a slice to $5, which is a big deal to a lot of people because as fernandez notes, "the price of a slice has long been one of the city’s unofficial economic indicators." even bloomberg's had something to say about it. “the real question, relative to the local economy, is whether people are trading up from a $2.75 slice or down from a $25 entree, and from what i hear in the subways and on the streets, it’s probably a mixture of both. but if you’ve ever had a really great slice of pizza, you know there are worse deals.” ok bloomy, we get it. you ride the subways like us regular folks.

a mother of a friend of mine works somewhere in the public sector in a job that has something to do with the city economy, so they contacted her for this article. she let them know that they should contact her son, who i've heard rave about di fara at least once a week for months now. while he didn't provide an official comment, he told his mother to tell them that "hell yeah it's worth it." i haven't tried it yet myself, but don't see anything wrong with paying $5 for a slice if it rules that hard. anyway, the times article looked at it from a slightly different angle (more with the ties to the greater economy), but it's a topic that the ny post already reported on way back on monday, so i wonder if some scooping happened here. mmm...scooping.



nosh nook #86 - monday, july 13, 2009

'organic and chic' alternatives to junk food (link)
07.12.09 - npr's weekend edition - by liane hansen

kids say the darndest things. for sarah magid, author of organic and chic, there was a day when her son was all "give me twinkies, mom." kids love twinkies! kids say the darndest things! sarah magid grew up jewish in southern cali, so kosher + health conscious = never tried twinkies. instead of getting them for her son, she decided to come up with an organic version of them..."goldies." they're made with dark chocolate sponge cake, a whipped vanilla butter cream, chocolate glaze & an edible gold powder.

this story's from npr's weekend edition sunday, which has been hosted by liane hansen for the last twenty years. i love her stories & manner. plus, she's married to neil conan (host of npr's all things considered) & gets to do the sunday puzzle with puzzle master will shortz, who's basically the only person with a degree in enigmatology (the study of puzzles). now she gets to meet the inventor of goldies, a cute brooklyn mom who will make you healthy alternatives to junk food. is there anything liane hansen doesn't get to do? she's so lucky.

as for magid, she also makes custom cakes & the book just came out, so she was in chicago for book signings this past weekend & is in l.a. near the end of the month. whirlwind book tour! seriously though, her cakes are friggin nuts! one of them has a bird's nest thingy on top of it! what's also nuts is that that cake's entirely organic, right down to the nest. you can't say that about a lot of cakes. too bad it can't survive a nuclear holocaust like a twinkie can.


#104 - meet my day.

wah wah wah! it's rainy! wah wah wah! my feet are wet! wah wah wah! my umbrella broke! wah wah wah! not again, mother nature! wah! let me update my facebook and/or twitter status to reflect my displeasure! wah!...etc. the city has been rainy rainy rainy lately lately lately. forecasts are for rain from now until the end of the first bobby jindal administration, so people need to be start being more accepting of the fact that we had big hair in the eighties & as a result, weather is going to be a disaster, natural or otherwise, for the unforeseeable future...that is, unless scientists figure out a way to alter it. until than happens, quit whining & go bend some wood for the ark...as the bible states in genesis 6:14, please make sure that it is gopher wood.  get thee to minnesota!

...so thursday night's post work entertainment was a nyc/brooklyn blogger's meetup at the bell house, a bar/venue located a few blocks from my apartment here in brooklyn. since i'm all about the networking, i reached out to one of my partners in crime, mike weber, and requested his presence at 8ish at said house of bells. it had basically stopped raining (reverse wah!) by the time i left my apt to head over, but five minutes into my walk, it started on up again. luckily, i'd just taken a shower (yes, for bloggers, an often unshowered bunch, i showered), so my hair was already slightly wet & nobody (but me) was the wiser.

since eat!drink!snack! has been a real thing for over a year now, it's high time i got into blatant marketing mode. i was going to buy a bag of assorted chocolates at the store & affix stickers with my logo, name & email to the back of each for handing out purposes (icebreaker!), but got as far as printing the stickers. it worked out ok though, as the rain kept a lot of people away, so i wouldn't have had much opportunity to give candy to strangers anyhow. regardless, i did get to finally meet the peeps from nachos ny, both lee & rachel (the girl who finally brought nachos to this blog by writing the most-read post in the history of eat!drink!snack!). they like nachos. it was another opportunity to see erica, from fuckedinparkslope, home to my weekly column for the last four plus months. i even got to have a short conversation with the guy who runs this bar sucks. he didn't seem to think that bell house sucks, so that was good. it turns out that kristin hersh (throwing muses) was playing in the back room. she pretty much rules, but i wasn't in the mood for a random show, so i passed.

after leaving the meetup, i headed home & put on music for men, the new (& fourth) album from the gossip. you can too! beth ditto (their singer) pretty much rules...way more than kristen hersh. i loved the last album. booty-shaking rock fo sho. this performance on letterman says it all. this is their first album with columbia records & it's produced by the famous/infamous rick rubin, so i'm assuming they're going to be responsible for one of your/our summer jams...especially since they now have a branding agency behind them (two or so page scrolls down). anyway, the new album definitely made my day.

#104 - meet my day.
snack: crunch 'n munch chocolate 'n caramel
drink: foster's

since i'd skipped dinner before heading over to bell house, when i got home, i was quantifiably ravenous. for those tallying the ravenousness at home, that quantity is 4.  please update your score cards accordingly. with dinner still some cooking away, i broke open a box of crunch 'n munch chocolate 'n caramel that was hanging out in my cabinet.  recently, it's been a snacktime fixture here in the abode, as a box of this delicacy goes for only $1.69 down at my fave bodega.  the only drawback...i'm freaked out about the health of my teeth & copious amounts of heftily-sugared corn syrup caramel & chocolate don't help my conscience.

...but the crunch 'n munch chocolate 'n caramel rocks my face.  it's a ton of extremely large, stuck together popcorn chunks, with peanuts stuck to the caramel ones.  when i eat it, the parts of my brain that crave salt & sugar join hands in a super-sexy slow dance...& then they head home to my stomach where they become one...& are burned with acid...in true love.

on my way home from the meetup, with a couple of $3 blogger special brooklyn lagers in me, i decided to stop by a bodega on the corner of 4th ave & 17th to pick up a beer. when i walked in, something was obviously different about the place. after heading to the coolers, picking out a foster's & bringing it to the counter, i figured out what the difference was...bulletproof glass enclosing the counter...awesome.  also, i got carded for buying a foster's...awesome.  it's australian for beer!...yeah...& beck's is german.

i got about half way through the mighty australian beer before i got tired & decided to cash in my chips so i could be a functioning human at work the next day.  foster's is a good beer if you're looking to get in a bunch of light beer drinking all from a single can.  as long as you're opting for economy & mock-exoticism over quality & flavor, you'll be fine with a foster's. if you're a beer snob who made a snap judgment whilst on a lightly-raining walk, you'll regret your decision in the morning...but it'll be friday & it'll end up being a good friday at that, so you won't care in the least.


#95 - hello brooklyn 4.0.

"new york new york it's a hell of a town. the bronx is up and i'm brooklyn down."

...so said the beastie boys, twenty years ago in their song "hello brooklyn," a short track off of paul's boutique. then in '07, jay-z & lil wayne sampled the song & came out with "hello brooklyn 2.0," part of jay-z's 2007 concept album american gangster, an album inspired by but not actually part of the film american gangster. yesterday, i came across "hello brooklyn 3.0," a remix of the song by someone who's recomposing jay-z songs. i actually prefer it to the first two incarnations. here, i present to you "hello brooklyn 4.0." it ain't a remix of a damn thing.

i've been living in brooklyn for seven plus years now in a couple of different hoods--midwood, kensington & greenwood heights (so fancy sounding!). there's no doubt that brooklyn's hoods each have distinct feels to them, are dominated by specific racial groups & economic levels, have types of businesses & people that make them stand out from the rest. there are the hip hoods--park slope, williamsburg, cobble hill. there are the up-and-coming/gentrifying hoods--bushwick, prospect heights, red hook. there are the hoods i wouldn't walk through at most hours of the day--canarsie, east new york, brownsville.

as i've mentioned before, my neighborhood has a large spanish-speaking population, but twenty and thirty-somethings are moving into the neighborhood in increasing numbers. it's all a part of the gentrification of brooklyn, as us white folk deploy operation snowflake throughout the borough.  still, there are a solid number of spanish-owned & spanish-owned businesses in the hood.

it makes me think of an npr story i heard this past week on talk of the nation, where a maggie anderson, a black woman in oak park (a suburb bordering the west side of chicago) is performing "the empowerment experiment."  as part of it, for the last five months, her & her family have only shopped at black-owned businesses, as a way to point out that there aren't enough black-owned businesses, especially in hoods with large black populations.  it's her hope that in doing so, she'll make folks aware that black-owned businesses empower black communities.  here in new york, it's a little bit better in some neighborhoods, but i can't think of one black-owned business within a ten-block radius of my apartment...mostly spanish and asian-owned businesses. i guess that's because we're west of flatbush ave.

#95 - hello brooklyn 4.0.
snack: chidos chile y limon chicharrones
drink: olde brooklyn greenpoint grape soda

since i was snack shopping in my neighborhood, i picked up a bag of chidos chile y limon chicharrones, a producto mexicano. i'm sorry to report that the best thing about these "chips" is the packaging. those mexican mice on the front of the bag are pretty much the most colorful, excitedly happy cartoon mice i've ever seen. that mouse down in the bottom left corner, with his festive hat & twirly moustache, makes jerry look like droopy for christos' sake.

they're fried flour chips, which is interesting texture & crunchwise, but the flavor is sort of pungent. i tried to muscle through it, but the citrus smell & taste that the lime flavor gives off is reminiscent of a household cleaner. as for the chile flavor, it's no more than a few red colored, slightly noticeable specks scattered about. the worst part about them is that some pieces have, through the frying process, developed a plastic-like strip on the top. if you're like me & prefer to be able to just wolf down one after another of your snacks without having to look down & reject those not fit for consumption, the chicharrones will be rather disappointing.

for my drink, i'm having an olde brooklyn greenpoint grape soda that i picked up at the grocery store the other day. they don't actually come from brooklyn. they're named after brooklyn neighborhoods but made in whitestone, ny, which is the northernmost neighborhood in queens, even further north than shea stadium & laguardia. that's like connecticut, for cryin' out loud.

there's the bay ridge birch beer, the red hook raspberry, the brighton beach black cherry...as for the greenpoint grape, it's named for the neighborhood just north of williamsburg that has a population dominated by both polish folks & hipsters. i guess they drink grape soda there sometimes. my bro lives there, but he's diabetic & has to stick to diet sodas, so he doesn't drink much grape soda. i'm pretty sure there's not much of a market for the diet variety overall.

as to the taste, i drank the entire bottle without noticing, but i have to emphasize the "not noticing" part. the flavor was average.  the carbonation was average.  as a grape soda, it's acceptable, but as it is, i don't really go crazy for grape soda. that's more of an east of flatbush ave sort of thing.  supposedly, they love grape soda over in those parts...that & the olde brooklyn flatbush orange soda.