nosh nook #22 - tuesday, april 14, 2009

free stuff: tax day is snacks day (link)
04.13.09 - - by althea chang
tax day is tomorrow & if there's one thing a lot of americans are going to be doing come tomorrow, it's finding a blanket large enough to hide under & hope that the whole damn thing just goes away. unlike the majority of americans, i have a fairly basic list of taxable worldly possessions, so other than the part where i have to write checks to people, tax time is a relatively quick process.
maybe tax time is ten times more painful for you than it is for me. if so, you deserve a snack. according to althea chang, there are all sorts of free treats you can get on tax day. they're giving away cinnabon bites at cinnabon, ice cream at maggiemoo's (whatever the hell that is) and free tacos at taco del mar (whatever the hell that is). if you're in baltimore & love mcdonalds, you get a special treat. not only can you get a free coffee at mickey dees, but when you're done, you can go to one of three post offices & get yourself a free, custom mcdonalds stamp, which means if you're lucky, you'll now be able to afford mailing out that tax bill.
free snacks are good any day of the year, but when they come on tax day, that's a return i've just got to file. no no no. when it's tax man time & he's offering free snacks, that a deduction i just have to claim. no no no. if they're asking for your taxes but they're giving out free no no. oh screw it. i'll just wait until the 21st when ben & jerry's has their free cone day. it's not like i'm going to head to the closest maggiemoo's, which is in bayside (wherever the hell that is) to claim my stupid freebie anyhow.