nosh nook #26 - monday, april 20, 2009

gum chewing may cut craving for snacks (link)
04.19.09 - forbes
scientists have figured out a lot of crap & done lots of totally sweet things for society over the years--medical advances, rocket launches, particle discoveries & such. up until now, i've been pretty excited about the benefits of scientific research. i even listen to npr's science friday every single week & find wonder in stories of scientific finds. this time, however, scientists have gone too far...they're trying to discourage snacking.
as forbes reports, an evil study sponsored by the ivy league, world-renowned wrigley science institute recently discovered that by chewing gum, you can cut down on your snacking. why anyone would want to cut down on their snacking is beyond me, but that's what they figured out. they performed an experiment where on two days they offered people snacks three hours after lunch. on one of the days, the people chewed gum for fifteen minutes during the three hours before snack time. on the day where they chewed the gum, they ate fewer snacks & felt less hungry. i can only assume they also felt less fulfilled, due to the snacking void.
in summary, chewing gum can help contribute to weight loss & positive health, but at the cost of less snacking. if you must shun snacking & chew gum, you should definitely chew wrigleys. that's just smart science...& like wrigley's current slogan says, "gum is good!"