nosh nook #203 - wednesday, december 23, 2009

microwave mug cakes make tasty snack in less than 10 minutes (link)
12.23.09 - the grand rapids press - by kathy carrier
as we near the end of 2009, i thought i'd take a brief moment to reflect on the absolute awesomeness of technology. i figure that since we've become utterly dependent on smartphones & car navigation systems & lasers & whatnot, the least i could do was stop & thank our robotic overlords for continuing to bless us with new & exciting technological gifts this year. it is because of you that we're able to do more in less time & multi-task within an inch of our lives. it is because of you that we can sit in ohio & kill terrorists thousands of miles across the world. thanks, robotic overlords. we are forever in debt to you & your life-changing ways.
snackwise, microwave technology has changed the life of stacey j miller. according to kathy carrier of the grand rapids press, ms miller became "intrigued by a recipe for a microwave chocolate cake," tried out a mug cake version of it & thought "it came out terrific." from that point on, she started experimenting with other types of mug cake using "ingredients from her pantry--lemon pudding, lemon yogurt and poppy seeds, peanut butter and jelly, dried cranberries and, of course, chocolate." she basically fell in love with mug cakes & eventually, her obsession led to her new cookbook, "101 recipes for microwave mug cakes," which features recipes for such gems as pumpkin pie microwave mug cake & peanut butter & jelly microwave mug cake. amazinglicious!
if you're like me & have a killer lazy streak, the microwavable nature of mug cakes is right up your alley. it seems like a pretty simple snack to make. once you've made up the batter, all you have to do is fill up a mug with it, pop the mug in the microwave for 3-4 minutes & let it cool for a few minutes. minutes later, you gently separate the cake form the mug & you've got yourself a mug cake, maynard. you don't even have to do a particularly fancy job since, as the grand rapids press notes, "the beauty of the mini snack cakes is their imperfection--even when they come out lopsided or fall apart." with standards like that & its easy preparation, the mug cake's a snack that even joe lieberman a moron could make.