nosh nook #12 - tuesday, march 31, 2009

prostitute paid with chicken snacks (link)
03.30.09 - the whitsunday times - by christine flatley
so as of this week, i've never gone out & got myself a prostitute. for starters, from what i hear, it's just too damn expensive. plus there's the whole v.d. risk & the whole human slavery aspect & the whole "need for reciprocally meaningful sex" thing & so i've kept my distance from prostitutes. maybe once the price of a dollhouse engagement goes down, i'll reconsider.
as christine flatley reports, last year in brisbane, australia, a 27-year old man & his 16-year old girlfriend pimped out a 16-year old runaway to middle-aged men. although they made thousands of dollars from doing so, they kept all the money for themselves & used it to pay their rent, only paying the girl with "the occasional box of chicken nuggets."
now i know that there's nothing funny about a teenage girl being forced into having sex with middle-aged men, but the idea of thinking that you can get away with paying somebody off with chicken nuggets for any good or service is plain ludicrous, no matter how good those chicken nuggets taste. what is even more ludicrous is that this guy got six years for a previous fraud charge but only two & a half for pimping out a teenager. penal colony indeed.